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Challenging the Next Generation

It was our own hometown David and Goliath story. Bernie Ebbers and WorldCom were the symbol of what Mississippi could be. WorldCom was the lone Fortune 500 company in the …


Prowling for Sex

The chat begins innocently enough, with the man asking the girl's name. Then he asks what her hobbies are and tells her she's pretty or sexy. It is easy to …


‘You're Free To Go'

Photos by Roy Adkins

(View a full gallery here).


Health Factoids

Your tongue naturally replaces all of your taste buds every 21 days. That means if you're trying to change your diet and switch to soy milk from cow's milk, for …


Governor Commutes One Killer's Sentence, Not Another

In a move that illustrates the erratic nature of America's justice system, Gov. Haley Barbour commuted the sentence of Michael David Graham last Thursday, July 17. Graham, convicted for shooting …


Innocent Man Freed; Shabby Prosecutor Now a Judge

Bernard Baran served 22 years on dubious child molestation charges, yet the prosecutor who convicted him isn't even inconvenienced.


City Should Support, Not Control

Change is afoot in North Midtown. The neighborhood between Millsaps College and Mill Street has suffered from urban blight for over a decade, but new housing developments and a new …

[Mott] Fake It 'til You Make It

"A governor, a senator and then me. I think I may be the comic relief," I quipped before my brief statement at the Fourth Annual Interfaith Dinner on Oct. 4. …

[Mott] It Starts At Home

Sometimes the universe just comes along and slaps you up side the head. I was the recipient of one of those slaps a few years ago, when the company I …


Preventing Identity Theft

[verbatim from AG's office] Attorney General Jim Hood, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann and Better Business Bureau President Bill Moak are joining together with a host of private partners to …


Gift for the History Buff

If you're looking for a last-minute gift for your favorite history buff, "Chimneyville" is just the thing. Written by Mississippi historian H. Grady Howell, Jr., the book is a veritable …


No Laughs in Email Hoax

There are some sick puppies out there. This release from the Attorney General's office details an e-mail hoax that threatens the life of the recipient and demands payment:


Karen Irby Indicted

A Hinds County Grand Jury reportedly returned three indictments for Karen Irby today in a case stemming from a Feb. 11 crash on Old Canton Road. The indictments include two …


Will Work for Horse Shoes

Necessity, goes the cliché, is the mother of invention.

So where do unemployed cowgirls go to find a job? Texas is one obvious answer. And how do cowgirls get to Texas? They ride their horses, of course.


Kaze and McLemore on WAPT

JFP columnist, rapper, Crisler supporter and all 'round man about town Brad Franklin (aka Kamikaze) gave his opinion about the Democratic runoff side by side with acting Mayor, JSU prof, …


CARA Needs Dog Food

Community Animal Rescue & Adoption, or CARA, is in deseprate need for dog food (or the funds to buy food) for the hundreds of pups in their shelter. CARA is …


"Give Kids a Smile" Today

[verbatim from the Jackson Medical Mall] Some Jackson students are going to see the dentist for the very first time, thanks to the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation and the University …


Mississippi Mourns Two Journalists

In recent days, two outstanding Mississippi women journalists have died.

Mildred Dearborn was the long-time editor of The Carthaginian until two years ago, when she suffered a stroke. Dearborn died on Feb. 11.


Yerger's Revisionist ‘Lily White' History

The Mississippi Republican party is holding events today honoring the party's founding chairman, 79-year-old Wirt Yerger, Jr., and last Sunday, Clarion-Ledger columnist Sid Salter interviewed Yerger. Just a few questions …


Remembering Uncle Walter

You might not remember Walter Cronkite, who retired from the CBS Evening News in 1981 after 19 years on the air. I grew up with him, though. Cronkite was news …