All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Tease photo Candidate

Williams: Part of the Solution

Patricia Williams' candidacy for Ward 3 comes from deep concern. As a life-long resident of the ward, she says it has gone downhill in recent years along with its young …


Indigo Changes

America's baby boom generation set out to change the world in the '60s and '70s, and they succeeded. Marching together, they helped stop an unjust, undeclared war and made choice …

Tease photo State

Miss. Income Down, Poverty Up

The Magnolia State has the lowest household median income, $36,919, according to the data released yesterday.

Tease photo Art

Clay Hardwick Turns Up the Arts

Clay Hardwick doesn't name his canvas creations. Instead, each piece carries the year, a season and a sequential number: "2012-fall-08," for example.

Tease photo City & County

Alignment Jackson: Creating the Village

A powerful concept that promises to stem the growing tide of Jackson's high-school dropouts was on the agenda Feb. 4 at the Parents for Public Schools Lunch Bunch meeting at …

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Laurin Stennis: Art of Consciousness

For Laurin Stennis, art is about refuge and full self-expression.

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Felandus Thames: Creating Questions

Felandus Thames' work, which ranges from small to wall-sized paintings to dimensional installations, invites viewers to take a deeper, often jarring look at the easy, automatic views of African Americans.


Gifts That Matter

Every time I pick up my mail these days, I get a half-dozen pleas from non-profits and charities to send money. Unfortunately for them, it was last year that I …

Tease photo City & County

City’s Attorney Details Jackson Lawsuits

During the campaign battles leading up to the primaries Tuesday, mayoral candidate Jonathan Lee, whose family business, Mississippi Products, is embroiled in numerous lawsuits, struck out at incumbent Mayor Harvey …


A Lottery for Mississippi?

State Rep. Alyce Clarke, D-Jackson, has introduced a bill allowing voters to decide whether the Magnolia state will institute a lottery to help pay for college scholarships, reports WAPT. The …

Tease photo Person of the Day

Rochelle Hicks

Lifelong Mississippian Rochelle Hicks has worked more than 15 years in the tourism industry.

Tease photo Education

Incarceration Over Education

If it's not your kid involved, it could be easy to look the other way when zero-tolerance policies incarcerate children for minor offenses.

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Starving the Public-Education 'Beast'

The statute that SB 2091 proposes to change contains the rules for MAEP, including how the Legislature should calculate funding for school districts.

Tease photo City & County

City Attorney Details City Lawsuits, JATRAN Controversy

The Jackson city attorney and a lawyer suing the city on behalf of police officers discuss allegations that the city is facing a mountain of lawsuits.

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The Johnson Legacy

Voters have an interesting choice as they head to polls for the second time May 21 to cast ballots for the Democratic Party runoffs.

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Foster System Remains ‘Unacceptable’

Jamison J. had shuffled through 28 foster homes, mental institutions and temporary shelters, by the time he was 17 years old.

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Move Your Feet

Democracy is people, and the people are us.

Tease photo Education

The Battle Over Schooling

Public-school K-12 education is slated to take a top spot on Mississippi lawmakers’ agendas again this year. Heat notwithstanding, Republicans will probably get their way on both issues.

City & County

Smoking in Jackson? Not in Public Places

The city of Jackson enacted its first non-smoking ordinance in 2008, banning smoking from most public places. It clarified some confusing language two years later.

Tease photo Politics

Women’s Rights, Safety Again at Issue

Sen. Joey Fillingane, R-Sumrall, knows his anti-abortion "heartbeat" bill likely will not survive the current session of the Mississippi Legislature, but he introduced it anyway.