All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Tease photo City & County

Residents, Businesses Could Get Relief from Busted Pipes

Between the city's aging water and sewer systems and sub-freezing weather, broken pipes have become a contentious issue in Jackson.

Tease photo Civil Rights

Engage to Change

Given what most black youth face—from lack of opportunity to lack of self-esteem—they have an uphill climb with little mainstream support.

Tease photo Cover

The Real Roots of Evil

"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak." —Audre …

Tease photo Health Care

New BCBS Policy Raises Alarm

Physicians are alarmed about a new Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi policy that could take effect as early as Feb. 1. The insurance giant proposes to end prescription …

Tease photo Editor's Note

My Opening Farewell

After my many years with the JFP in numerous roles, the names and faces of all the dedicated souls who passed through the doors are too many to count or …

Tease photo Development

God-Given Economic Development

Mississippi is making a concerted push to capture some of the enormous money in the health-care industry. That push, however, doesn't include what experts deem two of the most vital …

Person of the Day

Omar Morris

When Omar Morris walked into the Boys and Girls Club on West Capitol Street yesterday, he came to give the kids a treat. Morris and his business partner, Vinson Jackson, …

Tease photo City & County

Johnson: Barns, Zen and the Tax Base

A couple of weeks before the end of Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr.'s third term in office, we sat together for about 45 minutes talking about his accomplishments, the campaign, what …

Tease photo Health Care

HHS Denies Mississippi's Plan for Exchange

Commissioner Mike Chaney said he feels the Obama administration has betrayed him for denying the state's application.

Tease photo Person of the Day

Michelle Obama

First lady Michelle Obama made Clinton her first stop on a two-day tour promoting her signature Let's Move anti-obesity program.

Tease photo Person of the Day

CJ Rhodes

Ever since CJ Rhodes swept into Jackson just a few short years ago, he has been a big, important part of the community.

Tease photo Person of the Day

Jackson Free Clinic Volunteers

Jackson Free Clinic volunteers began a recent expansion with a demolition party.

Tease photo Biz Roundup

Liqueur, Food, Roads and Hair

Bottle Tree Beverage Co., the Madison-based distillery that brought Cathead vodkas to the marketplace, has released a new chicory liqueur under the brand name Hoodoo.


Editorial Takes Dim View of Katrina Recovery Fund Diversions

An editorial in yesterday's New York Times looked askance at the way the federal government has allowed Mississippi to divert funds from disaster aid meant to assist moderate and low-income …

Tease photo Person of the Day

Dan Blumenthal

Fast cars have been a passion for Dan Blumenthal since he was a little kid. He inherited the bug from his father, and was reading Road &Track magazine at age …

Oil Spill

New Oil Estimate: 60,000 Barrels

Officials have once again revised their estimates of the amount of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico from the site of the devastated Deepwater Horizon rig, the fifth revision …


Repubs 'Slapping Themselves on the Back'

Every Friday morning, Daily Kos compiles stats showing how the folks in Washington are doing according to the people. Despite Republicans tripping over themselves to take credit for the economic …

Tease photo Politics

Where Voter ID Stands in Mississippi

After years of unsuccessfully trying to get the Mississippi Legislature to pass a voter ID law, last November, state conservatives put the issue of voter ID to the state's voters.

Tease photo Business

Mississippi's Push for Health-Care Dollars

More than 700 people gathered at the Jackson Convention Center yesterday, eager to understand how health care can be a driver for creating jobs and boosting revenues in Mississippi.


Maher: In His Own Words

"To me, a real patriot is like a real friend. Who's your real friend? It's the person who tells you the truth. That's who my real friends are. So, you …