All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

House Passes Jackson Sales Tax Increase

The Mississippi Legislature has passed a bill designed to give the city of Jackson additional funds for road repair and additional police and fire fighters.

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Steve Hendrix: Lost in the Art

Steve Hendrix's long, slender hands might indicate that he has psychic abilities, if you believe in that sort of thing.

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Hobby Lobby Wages War on Birth Control

The Green family is headed to Washington, D.C., for its day in court—the U.S. Supreme Court.

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A Creepy Christie Mystery

"And Then There Were None," a play based on the best-selling 1939 Agatha Christie novel "Ten Little Indians," is the newest offering from Brandon's Black Rose Theatre.

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Peter Heller

As a writer, Peter Heller seems as complex as his character. He's a frequent contributor to National Geographic, Outside and Men's Journal magazines, as well as Bloomberg Businessweek.

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Childhood Obesity: Defying Easy Answers

Dr. Whitney Herring has been a pediatrician at the University of Mississippi Medical Center for about a year. With a master's degree in public health, in addition to being a …

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An Innocent Woman? Michelle Byrom vs. Mississippi

If Mississippi executes Michelle Byrom, now 57, she will be the first woman the state has put to death in 70 years. It may also be a horrible injustice.


Sales Tax Holiday This Weekend

If you're in the market for back-to-school clothes and shoes, this coming weekend is the time to make your purchases.

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Palin and the Fringe

The extreme right is declaring a third-party victory with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the presidential ticket this fall.

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Batterer’s Intervention: Changing Minds, Saving Lives

Early on in Ben Ellard's career as the program manager of the Batterer's Intervention Program at Pearl's Center for Violence Prevention, he had a profound experience while processing a new …

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Health-Care Industry Needs Healthy Workers

It's no secret that when it comes to the health of Mississippians, we rank at or near the bottom of nearly every well-being marker, from obesity to infant mortality.

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Sex Trafficking: A Local Problem

Trading lives for money, sex, work or drugs—those are just a few of the ways people get used. The money can be huge—for those in control of other lives.

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M. Trost Friedler

Sobriety and running a center to assist others to deal with addiction issues came back-to-back for M. Trost Friedler, whose substance abuse issues first brought him to Jackson in the …

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Sex Trafficking: The Portable Crime

Sex traffickers frequently move girls around.

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Getting Ready for the 1-Percent Sales Tax

Businesses across the state have emails in their inboxes from the Mississippi Department of Revenue about accounting for the capital city's 1-percent sales tax beginning March 1.

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The Art of Happiness

Whenever the Mississippi Museum of Art is open during January and February, you might find as many as 25 people of all ages playing with photo prints, scissors, glue, stamps …

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A Beautiful, Brutal Reality

Gwendolyn Magee, who died in 2011, drew international acclaim for her striking quilts, which elevated an African and African American folk tradition to fine art.

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Remembering the Ladies, Black and White

"Wherever there is a racial issue, there's a gender issue," said Anita Hill, keynote speaker at the Mississippi Women's Economic Security Policy Summit, held Oct. 10.

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Stephen Cole's Ephemeral Permanence

Sculptor Stephen Coles will exhibit his work in “B+ (new work and investigations)” at Millsaps College Nov. 5-Dec. 17.

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Investigate the Hayne Cases, Gen. Hood

Reading journalist Radley Balko's May 15 piece on Steven Hayne in The Washington Post reminded me, again, of our broken justice system.