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June 14, 2006 As you may know by now, The Clarion-Ledger has recently revealed The Distribution Network (TDN), a scheme to control the distribution of free publications in the Jackson …


ON SCREEN: "Opera Jawa"

Mississippi Museum of Art

Crossroads Film Society presents "Opera Jawa" and "Luxury Car" as part of the Global Film Festival,

Publisher's Note

What a Difference a Week Makes

May marked the first full year of the Jackson Free Press as a weekly publication, a feat that we were excited to dive into last summer and, now more than …


Your Grid or Mine?

<i>Jackson Designers Push 'New Urbanism'</i>

Turn off U.S. 51 onto Hoy Road in Madison, toward the reservoir, and drive past a number of bland gated communities until the gravel ends and you're on dirt. Keep …


[Drive] Cat-Like Reflections

Does your car say something about you? It's a question I can't seem to get out of my head, even though, intellectually, I'd prefer not to worry about it. Unwittingly, …


Attack of the State Street Sandwiches

If there's anything Jackson offers in spades it's a good lunch—particularly plate lunches and meat-and-veggie smorgasbords such as Collins' Dream Kitchen, Two Sisters, George Street Grocery, 930 Blues Café, Gloria's …

Best of Jackson

Celebrating the Best

Welcome to our tenth annual "Best of Jackson" edition, celebrating the best that Jackson and its surrounding communities have to offer in terms of people, places, services and products. (And, …


The Smell of the Matrix

The Toyota Matrix keeps growing on me. Initially I wrote it off completely as aimed a little too young for my taste. As I dig deeper into the idea of …


[Drive] Mocked in a Mustang

I have never been in a hardtop Mustang that was made after 1972. But I have seen them around and wondered about them. So, I was determined a few weeks …

Best of Jackson

[Publisher's Note] Celebrating the Best

Welcome to our tenth annual "Best of Jackson" edition, celebrating the best that Jackson and its surrounding communities have to offer in terms of people, places, services and products. (And, …

Publisher's Note

‘Gone Weekly'

If there's one JFP-related question I've heard more than any other from folks around Jackson in the past few weeks and months, it's been this one: "Are y'all going weekly?"


Workaholic Needs To Schedule Regular Exercise

For the past few months I've been loving the time spent either on the elliptical at the gym or on the bicycle that I've recently dusted off, adjusted a bit …

Publisher's Note

Thinking ‘Locals' First

It's hard to believe Mal's St. Paddy's Parade—and the attendant celebrations both downtown and elsewhere—are already upon us. It doesn't seem like it's been long enough since the Great Snowman …


Music: Les Kerr, Christmas On The Coast

I heard Jackson native Les Kerr perform "Christmas on the Coast" this summer during a gig at Hal & Mal's and, despite the poor timing (of course, musicians rarely have …

Publisher's Note

Running with the Young Guns

I just typed "04" in the date for this file and then corrected myself. It's that time of year again. After our week off for the holidays, we're back and …


Charrette Leader: Make City 'Walkable'

Andrés Duany, the renowned "New Urbanism" architect, promised "no resolution tonight" as he gave the final presentation of the intensive planning charrette held this past week to discuss ideas for …


Going ‘Round in Circles

What's the toughest thing to get people to talk about? Crime? Race? How about commercial development? Funding city services? These are the types of social topics that are being tackled …

Pearl River

[Stauffer] A River Running Through It

The LeFleur Lakes project will be something that Jackson talks about for some time to come. Originally the brainchild of developer and engineer John McGowan, the "Two Lakes" project, as …


Tale of Two Downtowns

What step to take next will be a huge question for 2003. We could be going nowhere, or at least a relatively short distance—after all, we're in a recession, Mississippi's …


Blowin' In The Wind

Last week Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff, I. "Scooter" Libby, was indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice in an investigation into how the identity of a covert …