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The Road to Wellness, Week 5

Super Deluxe Lifestyle Diet

I've managed to completely swear off sodas in the past few weeks—I've switched mostly to unsweetened brewed tea and water. Likewise, I've kept away from fried chips, except on Fridays …


Chronicling Jackson's BOOM

It just occurred to me when I sat down to write this that the Saints won the Super Bowl within weeks of the King Edward re-opening--after both had suffered roughly …


Mr. Newhouse: Think ‘Community'

July 5, 2006 Get up to speed on The Clarion-Ledger's scheme here. Or, see Darren Schwindaman's TDN cartoon primer. Editor & Publisher magazine—a national industry bible for journalists, newspapers and …

Publisher's Note

Your Name In Lights

You gotta love the folks who decide to do something instead of just complain about it. Last year, in response to the common refrain "We never get any decent independent …


Discuss the Saints: 9-0

The Saints are good enough to beat every team on their schedule. So why are they keeping these games so close?


Downtown: The ‘Neighborhood' Solution

On Thursday, July 3, 2003, real estate developer Mike Peters and his wife drove to Memphis to stay in the Peabody Hotel. After dinner, they were told in the lobby …


Blogging the Body Politic

Read about presidential hopeful Howard Dean's remarkable grass-roots blogging campaign. And add your voice at the end: Will this campaign change politics as we know it?

[Stauffer] The Secret to Jackson's Future

The burning question of how to fix what ails Jackson is on the minds of, at the very least, newspaper editors and the people they've interviewed here in our fair …

Publisher's Note

Just the (Correct) Facts, Ma'am, on James Ford Seale Case

It's been interesting to watch the national media coverage of the arrest of James Ford Seale for the kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping of Henry Dee and Charles Moore …


The War in Iraq

October 7, 2004 It appears that the single most important issue of this campaign is the war in Iraq. Even as other domestic and security issues are part of the …

Publisher's Note

When A Plan Comes Together

"I love it when a plan comes together" was the signature line of George Peppard in his role as Hannibal Smith on the 1980s TV show "The A Team." It's …


[Stauffer] America's Team

So I'm a Saints fan. I love watching Brees when he's in the groove, and I love watching the interceptions and Bush pylon leaps ... and I still dream about …


Put The Pros On The Police Beat

As of this writing, Donna Ladd has spent at least 30 hours over two weeks with Mayor Frank Melton in interviews, phone calls, ride-alongs, press conferences and visits at his …

Exclusive: Sheriff McMillin on ‘JFP on WLEZ'

The new police chief, Sheriff Malcolm McMillin, left the press conference this morning and immediately joined Radio JFP for an hour-long, commercial free interview, with WAPT also present. Listen to …

Publisher's Note

Anatomy of An Error

On Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006, The Clarion-Ledger published an editorial titled "Will DA Accept Another Plea Bargain?" in which the writer made a huge error when he wrote the following:

Publisher's Note

Hills And Gullies On State Street

I've got two different things I need to say this week, and they're almost impossible to segue between, so let me just get the first one out of the way.


Jackson Convention Center: The $65 Million Question

Update: On Thursday morning, Jeff Good and Dan Blumenthal, owners of BRAVO! and Broad Street restaurants, announced that they were pledging 1% of their sales between now and the election …


And the Winners Are…

...Republicans (and Jim Hood) in contested statewide elections, Democrats in Hinds County and Legislative elections and turnout -- over 818,000 people had voted in the Lieutenant Governor's race with 92% …

Runnin' with the Big Dawgs

We were sitting in the office around 7 p.m. last Friday anticipating another "press weekend." Stephen and I were in a heated discussion about some aspect of the upcoming issue …


A New Politics

<b>How Cultural Creatives Are Changing the Map</b>

"A third party? I'd just be happy with a second party!" Agree with that statement? If so, there's a chance you've considered yourself a "centrist," an "independent," a "free thinker"—or …