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MSU PPE Sterilizer and COVID-19 Resource Page, JSU Online New Student Orientation Page

The Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems at MSU recently designed and donated a device that can sterilize up to seven personal protective masks in 30 minutes to the Mississippi State …

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Mississippi Governor's 'Safer at Home' Order Enters Final Week

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves' “safer at home” order to slow the spread of the new coronavirus is entering its final week.

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Taylor Hart

Taylor Hart, development director and event coordinator with the Salvation Army of Jackson, bears a passion for missions. Hart has heart.

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Joscelyn Allen

Amid a pandemic, Joscelyn Allen, 34, is grateful to work as a nurse. "I feel lucky to have chosen a profession I love," she says, adding that it is rewarding …

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Gov. Reeves Extends Unemployment Benefits to Help Workers Impacted by COVID-19

Today, Governor Tate Reeves announced efforts to extend the unemployment benefits provided to help Mississippi workers and their families hard-hit by COVID-19.

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Ron Harrist

Ron Harrist, who covered Elvis Presley, black separatists, white supremacists and college football legends during his 41 years as a reporter and editor in Mississippi for The Associated Press, died …

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UPDATE: 32 Deaths From COVID-19 Reported In One Day As State Reopens

Thirty-two more Mississippians have died as a result of COVID-19, 18 of those from yesterday alone: the largest single-day death toll in the crisis so far.

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UPDATED: Reeves: State Will Continue Reopening, Despite Not Meeting White House Criteria

The steady reopening of Mississippi will continue today, at odds with White House gating criteria and the concerns of many health experts in Mississippi and abroad.

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Mississippi Justice Institute Sues Mayor Lumumba for Open-Carry Order

The Mississippi Justice Institute is pursuing a lawsuit against Jackson Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba after he signed an executive order temporarily banning open carry of firearms in Jackson.

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Amanda Joullian Chappell

Travelin' Jane, formed in 2007, performs music that ranges from the '60s to the hits of today presented in "Jane style," which Amanda Joullian Chappell describes as blue-eyed soul with …

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Unemployed Mississippians Still Seeking Answers, Relief

March signaled the beginning of the unemployment crisis in Mississippi, as the first reports of COVID-19 led to the initial rounds of social-distancing guidelines.

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Easing Up: US and Europe Grapple With When to Reopen Schools

The question of when to reopen schools looms large as European countries and U.S. states draw up plans to restart their battered economies.

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'Reopen Mississippi' Protesters Demand Governor to Reopen State Amid Pandemic

Dozens of cars bearing hand-painted messages and signs, American flags, the Mississippi state flag, the Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flag and other insignia, encircled the Governor’s Mansion in downtown …

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April 26: 193 New COVID-19 Cases, 6 Deaths on Saturday

Another 193 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 in the state on Saturday, with six deaths reported.

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Governor Tate Reeves Endorses State-Wide Relief Fund

The Community Foundation for Mississippi, working with the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service, established the Mississippi Community Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund as an initiative to create a state-wide pooled …

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Main Street America: 7.5 Million Small Businesses Across the U.S. in Danger of Closing Permanently

A new report published by Main Street America, founded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, reveals that nearly 7.5 million small businesses across the country are in danger of …

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Essential Workers Bearing Weight of COVID-19

Commercial unions are fighting for recognition of their food-service and grocery-store employees as first responders, in the hopes that this will give them priority access to PPE, including masks.

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With No Relief In Sight, Jackson Small Business Owners Struggle

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit small businesses, which typically do not have more than two weeks’ worth of working capital funds at any given time, especially hard in recent weeks.

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Reeves to Issue Shelter-in-Place as COVID-19 Cases Swell to 1,073 in Mississippi

Gov. Tate Reeves is expected to become one of the last governors in the U.S. to issue a statewide shelter-at-home order for the next two weeks after a reassessment of …

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COVID-19: Can Mississippi Imitate South Korea?

As COVID-19 has spread across the globe, the primary fear of observers worldwide is the threat of collapse of the health-care system. More severe infections than a state’s intensive-care units …