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Tease photo Education

Leveling the Education Playing Field

Mississippi's legislative leaders promised a whirlwind session heavily focused on education issues. Based on the volume of education-related bills flying out of the Capitol, they appear to be achieving that …


Fighting Off the Winter Blues

Blues, blahs...whatever. Regardless of how much I usually love the holidays, the lack of sunlight and heat during the winter makes me feel yucky. It's a yearly battle that I …


A Yam By Any Other Name

Thanksgiving is nigh. Along with giving thanks for life, love and liberty, Americans give thanks for the traditional holiday meal of fowl and dressing—that might be turkey or chicken or …

Youth Media Project

Out-of-School Boredom

Youth Media Project

I believe it is said best on the theme song of the popular cartoon, "Phineas and Ferb": "There's 104 days in summer vaction, and school comes along just to end …


Chrysler Profits Thanks to US Buyers; Plans New 'Dodge Dart' Model

Chrysler's almost total reliance on North America used to be a huge weakness, one that sent the company into bankruptcy protection.

Tease photo Person of the Day

Scott 'Scooter' Thomas

Since 2017, Scott “Scooter” Thomas has operated Scooter’s Records after a 28-year run working as the city’s chief water operator.

Health Care

Miss. Dems Seek New Approach on Medicaid Expansion

Democrats in the Mississippi Legislature say they're trying a new approach to push for Medicaid expansion—an issue they support and Republican leaders oppose.

Tease photo Health Care

Dems Offer Medicaid Deal; Bryant Rejects

Mississippi Democrats continue to extend olive branches to legislative Republicans to find ways to accept federal Medicaid money.

Tease photo Crime

Night Riders

For almost one year, Dominick and his peers conspired to "willfully cause bodily injury to, and through the use of dangerous weapons, attempt to cause bodily injury to African American …

Tease photo Music

The Basis of Fan Bases

In the midst of social-media madness, real fans get lost in the shuffle.

Tease photo Person of the Day

Dan Blumenthal

Fast cars have been a passion for Dan Blumenthal since he was a little kid. He inherited the bug from his father, and was reading Road &Track magazine at age …

Tease photo Business

Crowds Funding Local Entreprenuers

Jackson personal trainer Keith Richardson has a dream to own and manage a shoe store, and he's found a creative way to get it done. Now, he needs the community's …

Tease photo Business

Fearful and Fun

Mike Upton's business came from a love for cars and a desire to better his community. Upton, who has never worked on cars for a living—and promises that no one …

Tease photo City & County

What $6.5 Million Will Buy

Budget talks heated Sept. 5 as Mayor Chokwe Lumumba began distributing some of the funds from his $503 million budget, starting with re-allocating $6.5 million from the public schools. The …

Tease photo City & County

Teeuwissen: City Attorney/History Professor

When it comes to Jackson, there's not much that still surprises city attorney Pieter Teeuwissen after nine years total representing the city, four of them as city attorney.


APNewsBreak: Feds Funnel Millions into Gulf Coast

Days before a newly formed council focuses on long-term Gulf of Mexico cleanup, a report released to The Associated Press shows that one federal agency has committed more than a …


Unions Flip to Support Kemper in Exchange for Jobs

Mississippi Power Co.'s contractors have agreed to hire about 1,000 labor union members to build its Kemper County power plant, and a group of unions says it now supports the …


Hood: Google Still Not Effectively Fighting Crime

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood is again asking Google to do more to prevent people from using the search engine to find illegal drugs and pirated videos, music and games.

Health Care

Thousands Rally to Resist Republican Health Law Repeal Drive

Thousands of people showed up in freezing temperatures on Sunday in Michigan to hear Sen. Bernie Sanders denounce Republican efforts to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law, one of …

Tease photo Biz Roundup

Swell-O-Phonic Celebrates 20 Years, Spring Market and New Trade Mart

Ron Chane, owner of Swell-O-Phonic, Studio Chane and The Wonder Lab, is celebrating the 20th anniversary of Swell's opening with a series of events all week leading up to Saturday, …