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[Kamikaze] Let's Get ‘Real'

Listen, this proposed "council" on racial reconciliation that I've read so much about in previous weeks appears to be a good idea ... in theory. But here's the thing, while …


Ronnie Agnew: Anderson Lost Because He's Black

Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew blames Gary Anderson's race in large part for his loss to Mike Chaney. Thoughts?


‘Merit Pay:' So Many Meanings, So Little Time

Some people might find it confusing that so-called liberal Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., supported President George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" act, and is pushing for "merit pay" during …


Howard Dean Sells Out

On last night's episode of The 700 Club, the bold and courageous leader of America's progressive movement sat down with Pat Robertson to assure him that the Democratic Party opposes …


The Peacemaker?

The effortless July 5 council vote giving Ward 1 Councilman Ben Allen the president's seat was a dramatic contrast to the council president vote of 2005, when Ward 6 Councilman …

Best of Jackson

2011: Community

<b>Best Public Figure: 
Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr.</b>

Jackson's first African American mayor has been through it. Since he was first elected to the seat in 1997, he has weathered belittlement, racism, jealousy, direct attacks, vicious media coverage, …


Cap & Trade: The Fight Ahead

Today, the Obama administration's plan to reduce greenhouse emissions and lower America's dependence on fossil fuels will come under intense Congressional scrutiny. With more than 50 witnesses scheduled to provide …


MoveOn, Bush, Hitler and the RNC

If you've heard anything about the recent flap over MoveOn's reported advertisements, comparing Bush to Hitler, you need to read this Salon article, which gives the rest of the story. …

Frank Melton

Transcript of Jim Hood Remarks Re: Frank Melton

PDF of AG Jim Hood's Letter to Mayor Frank Melton

Tease photo Cover

From Mississippi to Liberia: The Living Legacy of America’s West African Colony

Many say the legacy of freed African-American slaves, some from Mississippi, living and ruling over Liberia for more than 150 years ignited two Liberian civil wars that spanned 14 years …


Times-Picayune's Open Letter to the President

<i>OUR OPINIONS: An open letter to the President

Reprinted verbatim from the Sunday edition of the Times-Picayune:

Rights Museum Hidden Costs, Lobbying Questioned

As a vote to approve a controversial placement of a new civil rights museum looms, a commission member is saying that extra taxpayer costs of locating it in a planned …

Obama, Huckabee Win Iowa

And they're off. The Associated Press reports:


'The Grand Ole White Party Confronts Obama'

In his current New York Times column, Frank Rich dives into the racial fray that Republicans are facing in trying to campaign against Barack Obama:


Dredging Up the Past: Why Mississippians Must Tell Our Own Stories

It was warm under the mammoth magnolia tree on the north side of the Neshoba County Courthouse, just yards from where the Confederate soldier stood on his marble pedestal until …


For One Moment: A Black-White Role Reversal

This morning, I woke up to more of the usual-suspect comments under this story: Crime Perception Hurts Jackson Economy. Apparently, I had wigged out the white-guy chorus that always wants …


Salter Takes on Taxation Myths; Barbour Responds

Update: Pasted below (in the comments) is a statement from Barbour, in minutes ago, about his take on the state's "budget myths." Enjoy.


Super Tuesday Thread

What's your take? Already some suprises with West Virginia going to Huckabee and Ron Paul actually pulling a few delegates. (Are you supposed to say something after typing "Ron Paul" …


[Chick] Your Racism Is Not Wanted

I don't know about y'all, but the Monkey and I were needing some Jesus real bad this last week, so we got ourselves to church even though I was very …