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Barbour Wants 68 Percent Cuts to Ed Programs

Gov. Haley Barbour is recommending cutting education programs for gifted, special and vocational programs by 68 percent, reports WLBT. Making such deep cuts to state funding for the programs would …

Barbour Signs Strip Club Bill

Gov. Haley Barbour signed a bill on March 15 giving rural counties authority to regulate strip clubs. House Bill 170 demands supervisors publish and post notice of any proposed ordinance …


McCain Announces Scaled-Back Convention Due to Gustav

John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis is announcing now that the Republican Naitonal Convention will officially begin at 3 p.m. Monday for "business of the day," but no politics. He …


WTF, Rep. Nunnelee?!?

Who ARE you, and why would you do such a thing, Rep. Nunnelee, considering you come from state where domestic abuse is such an epidemic? I mean, Haley Barbour lets …

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Governor Reeves Announces Interim Director for Mississippi Development Authority

Today, Governor Tate Reeves announced that John Rounsaville will lead the Mississippi Development Authority as Interim Director to continue growing our state's economy and win business for Mississippi.

Mississippi Receives Federal Disaster Designation

<i>Verbatim statement from Gov. Haley Barbour</i>:

JACKSON - Gov. Haley Barbour announced today that residents in 18 counties affected by the severe storms, flooding and tornadoes April 15-April 28 are now eligible for federal disaster assistance.


Hood To Push ‘Spice' Bill

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood is asking Gov. Haley Barbour to include a bill banning synthetic marijuana during Friday's special legislative session.

In Their Own Words: Lindsay Kathryn Welch

Starting today, the JFP will feature some of the stories of the people former Gov. Haley Barbour pardoned, in their own words. Oktibbeha County, 2000 Lindsay Welch gave birth to …

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10 Local Stories of the Week

There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them.

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10 Local Stories of the Week

There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them.


Barbour: Reset Museum Decision

This week, the commission appointed by Gov. Haley Barbour to choose a location for Mississippi's Civil Rights Museum voted 22-9 in support of its location committee's recommendation that the museum …


State Waits for Education Jobs

House Education Chairman Cecil Brown, D-Jackson, claims Gov. Haley Barbour reacted before knowing all the details when he criticized a federal bill that will provide the state with $97 million …


Haley Barbour's New "Democrat-Lover" Nastygram

July 30, 2003: Gubernatorial hopeful, and former national GOP party head, Haley Barbour seems more stressed about Davidian challenger Mitch Tyner than you'd think. A rather breathtaking nasty-politics flyer landed …


Barbour Joins Health Care Suit

Despite Attorney General Jim Hood's advice, Gov. Haley Barbour announced today that he will join a multi-state lawsuit against national health-care legislation President Barack Obama signed last month.

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From Terrorists to Politicians, the Council of Conservative Citizens Has a Wide Reach

When I clicked on Dylann Roof's alleged racist "manifesto" yesterday, I wasn't surprised at all to see the name of the Council of Conservative Citizens name-checked. In some ways, I …

Barbour Toots Own Horn, Rags Musgrove

Gov. Haley Barbour released a statement today about, well, himself. Here it is, verbatim: When Haley Barbour became Governor of Mississippi in January 2004, Mississippi was in its worst financial …


Wanna Cig, Kid?

Gov. Haley Barbour, who was Big Tobacco's "go to" lobbyist when he was in Washington, D.C., is still maintaining that he'll veto any kind of tax bill that is laid …

Health Care

Barbour Comparison Off the Mark?

Gov. Haley Barbour made national news again this week by comparing health-care reform—as envisioned in the U.S. House and Senate—to the horror of the Jonestown massacre. Speaking as chairman of …


Standing Up for the People

Don't believe the hype. Or, at least look for the balance in it.

During the special session called by Gov. Haley Barbour to pass certain economic-development bonds, Mississippians have been told incessantly by Barbour's office and the state's media that the House of …


[Your Turn] Fix the System

The recent flap over Haley Barbour's 200 pardons and commutations has highlighted problems in our current gubernatorial clemency processes. At my request, the staff of the legislative Performance and Expenditure …