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Lies, Damn Lies and ‘Dangerous' Rankings

Heard that Jackson is one of the "most dangerous" cities? Read the fine print.

Holocaust Denier Appearing in City Hall?

Holocaust refuter David Irving will appear in Jackson City Hall Oct. 21, according to attorney Richard Barrett, of Learned, Miss. Barrett, a self-avowed white separatist, sent out an e-mail this …


Levee Board Approves Compromise Lake25X

Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District Levee Board approved a resolution to re-engage the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to move forward with a $205 million levee expansion …


Millsaps at Vietnam

"I thought I was having a hallucination," student Sharon Yoo wrote in her journal. "It was like the scenery from the movie 'Avatar.'"

[Balko] 4.5 SWAT Raids Per Day

During the last six months of 2009, police deployed SWAT teams oyed 804 times in the state of Maryland, or about 4.5 times per day. In Prince George's County alone, …


Hot Over 'Heat and Serve' Housing

A heated March 9 Jackson City Council meeting followed a March 8 work session attended by about 40 angry South Jackson residents concerned over the plan to create a lease-to-own …


St. Paddy's A Boon for the City

The roughly 70,000 visitors who will descend on Jackson this weekend for Mal's St. Paddy's Parade will bring more with them than green clothing and a strong thirst. The parade, …

Publisher's Note

Newspaper Bites Self

Coincidentally, today's Editor & Publisher e-blast featured a story about USA Today's long-standing habit of padding their official "paid" subscriber numbers with the "freebie" newspapers they distribute through hotel chains. …

[Stauffer] Movin' On Up

Read about the JFP's exciting moves—from moving into new offices in Fondren to hiring a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter.

[Ladd] Just As I Am

I was baptized when I was 13 in a Southern Baptist church in Neshoba County. I wasn't particularly spiritual; there was more anger and selfishness and confusion in my heart …


Gone With The Wind

Three weeks after Hurricane Katrina, state Attorney General Jim Hood unleashed a storm of his own. Hood announced a Sept. 15 civil action against some members of the insurance industry …


Men We Love

In honor of Dad's day, we want to spotlight just a few of the Jacksonian men we love.

Former Gov. William Winter, 81, is such an obvious choice for the "Men We Love" issue that we almost feel silly including him. But, as politics get uglier and more …


The East Coast Wakes Up, Surveys Damage From Hurricane Sandy As Storm Continues Inland

Millions of people from Maine to the Carolinas awoke Tuesday without power, and an eerily quiet New York City was all but closed off by car, train and air as …


Prison Factories Caught in Private Biz Debate

Factories that employ convicted felons are at the heart of a simmering debate about whether prisons should be siphoning away jobs—and at much lower wages.


Jackpedia Discussion

Y'all...I just finished a few hours of messing around with Jackpedia and wanted to use it as a launching point for criticism, discussion, suggestions, etc. Here' the page I just …


No Humble Pie Needed

Ahhh, humble pie. I have never acquired the taste for it, but have had to devour it on many occasions. Haven't most of us? I am more of a beignet …

Editor's Note

Dancing in the Kitchen

You see, my mom is a goofy mom. I mean "dance in the kitchen with the refrigerator doors to the sound of the "Battlestar Galactica" theme song playing in the …

Publisher's Note

Innocents Abroad

It was with a bit a trepidation that I approached last week's bus trip to Little Rock arranged by former City Councilman Ben Allen, now president of Downtown Jackson Partners.

Tease photo Editor's Note

Real Love

I may have a tough exterior, but I'm a romantic. And I love love.


Syrian Rebels Preparing for Advance on Capital

Syrian rebels brought their fight within a mile of the heart of Damascus on Friday, seizing army checkpoints and cutting a key highway with a row of burning tires as …