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GOP Has Tough Choices on Voting Rights Act

When the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights act last week, it handed Republicans tough questions with no easy answers over how, and where, to attract voters even GOP …

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The Odd Journey of Mills for Schools

Millage rates—property taxes—might sound about as far from "sexy" as any story can be. But the well-being of Jackson Public Schools depends largely on the city allocating enough money to …

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Common CORE to Standardize Public Education

Mississippi is consistently behind the eight ball when it comes to public education, but a new plan being implemented right now could change our students' educational outcomes in the future.

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Campaign Trickery: Lumumba a 'Race Traitor,' Lee a 'Rankin Republican'?

Supporters of men who are vying to be Jackson's next mayor were busy over the weekend with last-minute election trickery, some anonymous and some not, with much of it targeting …


Budgeter: Medicaid Growth Hurts Education Funding

Funding for education is falling short because Medicaid is devouring a larger share of state money than it did a few years ago, a top Mississippi budget writer says in …

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Profile: Jonathan Lee

Jonathan Lee may not be a business owner, but he rode his business credentials to becoming the top vote-getter in the city's Democratic mayoral primary.

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Profile: Chokwe Lumumba

Now, Chokwe Lumumba devotes a good deal of time talking about his family's own diverse racial heritage, the camaraderie he experienced among fellow basketballers of all races and nationalities, the …

Health Care

Miss. Governor Says He Could Run Medicaid Program

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant says he thinks he can run Medicaid even if lawmakers don't reauthorize the program or set its budget by the time the state's new fiscal year …


Mark Sanford Redeems Career, Heading to Congress

In a story of political redemption, Mark Sanford is headed back to Congress after his career was derailed by scandal four years ago.

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UPDATED: The Skinny on Mayoral Campaign Finance Reports ... So Far

Democratic mayoral challenger Jonathan Lee has raised $334,560.03 since the start of the new year, according to a campaign finance report filed by his political action committee Friends of Jonathan …

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We Are Family

A few weeks ago the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Proposition 8, the California law banning same-sex marriage, and the Defense of Marriage Act, the law Congress passed in …

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Community Events and Public Meetings

The American Cancer Society is seeking volunteers ages 30-65 without a history of cancer to participate in a long-term cancer study.

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A Chokwe Lumumba Primer: His 2013 JFP Interview, Audio, Campaign Reports

Chokwe Lumumba first came to Jackson in the early 1970s as a civil-rights activist. He returned to Michigan shortly after to attend law school, returning to Mississippi in 1988.


Show Us That Clinton is Better for DOR

The Department of Finance and Administration has finally made its long-awaited recommendation for a new permanent home for the Department of Revenue, which is now housed in a Quonset hut …

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Shotgun Blues

Democratic lawmakers are questioning why the Mississippi Legislature is getting a funding boost when other agency budgets are shrinking. Democrats point to this year's $30 million legislative operations budget.

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Foster System Remains ‘Unacceptable’

Jamison J. had shuffled through 28 foster homes, mental institutions and temporary shelters, by the time he was 17 years old.


Voter ID Dispute Snags Miss. Sec of State Budget

Mississippi senators rejected the secretary of state's budget Thursday over an argument about paying lawyers to defend a proposed voter identification law.

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No Money, No Luck

A common refrain throughout Mississippi's legislative session so far has involved, for better or worse, the outsourcing of certain government functions to private entities.

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A 'Drunkard' at Belhaven

Community members might be surprised that the conservative Belhaven University is putting on a play called "The Drunkard." But despite the provocative title, this family-friendly play fits in with the …

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From Punishment to Healing: Moving Mental-Health Care Home

Jennifer Michaels traces her mental-health problems back to Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, when she was 12 years old.