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[Kamikaze] The Real World, Jackson

This probably isn't the best time for "I told ya so's." But … I told ya so.


BREAKING: ‘Troopergate' Report Finds Palin Abused Power

The Anchorage Daily News just posted a PDF of the full report on Gov. Sarah Palin's "Troopergate" investigation. Read it here. The report says that the investigation found that Palin …

Health-Care Events in Jackson

Two health-care reform events will take place in Jackson tonight and tomorrow representing the opposing viewpoints of the reform debate.


Dogging Youth

<i>Is Metrocenter Mall's New Policy Good for Business?</i>

When the four young women arrived at Metrocenter Mall Friday, Oct. 25, just after dark, they didn't expect to be carded at the door. Casually dressed in sweats and sneakers, …

Best of Jackson

2004] Community

You have spoken. Several months ago, we asked the readers of the JFP to choose who deserves Best of Jackson kudos for this past year. You responded, in droves. (And …

Frank Melton

[Greggs] Help Is on the Way

Over the course of an average week as a mental health professional, I see many individuals in my office that most people would deem "crazy." I am often amazed they …


A-1 Pallets Silent Protest at City Hall on Tuesday, July 31, from 9 AM to 10 AM

Thanks to everyone who participated in the last protest.

We'll be in front of City Hall from 9 AM to 10 AM. If possible, please sit in on the City Council meeting afterwards since A-1 Pallets is on the …

Frank Melton

'Live & Learn': Melton Faces the Effects of His Actions

On the first day I showed up to cover the federal trial of Mayor Frank Melton and his ex-bodyguard Michael Recio in downtown Jackson, the mayor sidled up to me …


What's In A Gang?

The brutality of gang life makes for popular entertainment on movie screens across America. Riddling a wall or restaurant with bullet holes from automatic gunfire kicks the pulse into overdrive.

Community Events and Public Meetings

5 p.m., HeARTS Against AIDS RED Party, at BRAVO! Restaurant (4500 Interstate 55 N., Suite 244). The fundraiser includes a cocktail hour, music and a silent auction. Advance ticket purchase …


Countdown to Game One

The wait is almost over. After all the minicamps, training camps and preseason games, the NFL starts real football tonight.


Ross Perot + Dr. Evil = Rand Paul?

Not since Sarah Palin have we encountered such a breath of fresh stupidity.

Apparently while trying to explain away his problems* with the Civil Rights Act on ABC's Good Morning America, Rand Paul -- newly minted "tea-party" GOP candidate for Senate from the …


He Who Laughs Last Thinks Slowest

I've been saving up for this one. One, Vanity Fair owes us an apology OR a rebuttal. Two, Christopher Hitchens's picture looks like a mustached woman waiting for her bread …


[Lott] A Generous Giving

To hear some folks talk, you'd think that big places with the most compassionate liberal attitudes and bountiful personal incomes would be teaming with the most generous, nicest, most appreciative …


Will It Stay, or Will It Go?

Mayor Frank Melton began the year 2006 with a resolution to remain a dogged pest to development he views as going too slow. On. Dec. 30, Melton announced that he …

Frank Melton

BREAKING: Danks Quits as Melton Attorney

More details soon ...

Former Mayor Dale Danks filed a motion yesterday in district court to withdraw as Mayor Frank Melton's attorney in the lawsuit in which Allstate Insurance Company is suing Melton. The …

UPDATED: Father Says Smith Campaign Ad ‘a Lie'

As the district attorney's runoff looms, challenger Robert Smith is combing the alleys of the criminal justice system, looking for people unhappy with Peterson's performance. One such foray produced a …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Lifting Up Black Boys: What the Experts Say

When a critical mass of the nation's foremost experts on educating black boys gathered in Jackson in April to hobnob, commiserate and impart their latest findings on how to get …