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Community Events and Public Meetings

American Board Teaching Information Sessions will be held Jan. 23, 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., at Ridgeland Public Library and Jan. 29, 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., at YMCA Downtown …

Tease photo City & County

Robert Amos: Bring in the Bucks

Robert Amos ran for mayor of Jackson in 2009 and for a seat on the Hinds County Board of Supervisors 2011.


Sex Shop Goes Up In Flames

This takes care of one of Melton's issues.


BREAKING: White Supremacist Group posts addresses and numbers of Jena 6!

Just in case you thought we were blowing things out of proportion....again, THIS is why we're mad!



Dems Also to Blame for Playing Language Game

When I blogged about Mississippi Republicans using coded anti-Latino rhetoric to their advantage, my editor offered up a challenge: are Democrats doing the same thing, just less explicitly?

Tease photo City & County

The Battle for Downtown, Part I: Watkins v. JRA, et al

In recent years, Watkins has taken credit for several successful renovation projects—the King Edward Hotel, the Standard Life Building and Retro Metro, which renovated a large chunk of Metrocenter Mall.

Tease photo Best of Jackson

Best of Jackson 2020: Community and Culture

There's nothing to us more local than Best of Jackson. We're officially in our 18th annual award season. Here is who you voted as the best local people, places, food …

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Good Faith, Bad Faith: City Contract Controversies Explode ... Again

Arneedra Smith-Gaddis seemed nervous when she stepped to the microphone in City Hall on Jan. 3, but Bridgette Gandy looked more composed. The two women subcontractors were there, separately, to …

Tease photo City & County

Sketching a Plan for Jackson: The JFP Interview with Mayor Tony Yarber

Mayor Tony Yarber recently invited the Jackson Free Press to the ceremonial mayor's office on City Hall's first floor to discuss his views on napkining, infrastructure financing, his trip to …

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Troubled Water, Part I: Explaining Jackson's $91 Million Siemens Contract

It's almost impossible to turn on the nightly local television news without coming across a story of a Jackson resident who was shocked to open an astronomically high City of …

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Engineering Victory: Joce Pritchett Wants to be State Auditor

Mississippi pride runs deep for Jocelyn Pepper Pritchett, who goes by Joce (JO-see). The only time she has lived out of state was when she was away at graduate school, …

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Reforming Criminal Justice: Is Mississippi Making Progress?

The Mississippi Reentry Council has been working to make it easier for inmates to find jobs and re-acclimate to life free from bars. U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett says the …

Mayor Rattles Councilwoman's Cage

Ward 7 Councilwoman Margaret Barrett-Simon said Mayor Frank Melton rattled her cage this morning on the way to a special council meeting. Barrett-Simon told the Jackson Free Press that Melton's …


Clarion-Ledger: Wilcher Must Die

In an editorial today, The Clarion-Ledger explains its support of the death penalty and why it is good that the state is going to kill Bobby Glen Wilcher today:


It's Melton Time: What's Next for Jackson?

On July 4, Mayor-elect Frank Melton will officially move into the mayor's office of Jackson. Word on the street says he has big changes planned for the city, changes many …


Ben Allen of Ward 1 Elected ‘El Presidente'

Just in ... The City Council has elected Ben Allen of Ward 1, the council's only declared Republican, to the seat of council president. More details soon ...

Frank Melton

BREAKING: Councilman Accuses Melton of Lying

Jackon City Councilman Marshand Crisler accused Jackson Mayor Frank Melton of lying on a WJTV interview last night. In the interview, Melton told WJTV that an FBI investigation into the …

Tease photo City & County

A Hunger to Live: The Struggle to Interrupt the Cycle of Violence

Several members of the “Undivided” crew told their story recently in Sheppards Brother Park in the Washington Addition.