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Editor's Note

This Here Alternative Universe

I'm sitting here, OK lying here, in a humongous, brick-colored sofa far away from Jackson in the Pacific Northwest, counting my blessings about life in Mississippi. I didn't start out …


Serendipitous Art

If you mat it, they will come. That could be the theme for the Serendipity Art Show and Silent Auction at the Mississippi State Hospital on Sept. 2. It's the …


A Handshake with History

From the griots of West Africa to men toasting on rural Mississippi back porches, oral history has been a major part of African-American traditions. However, with the birth of each …


Attack of the State Street Sandwiches

If there's anything Jackson offers in spades it's a good lunch—particularly plate lunches and meat-and-veggie smorgasbords such as Collins' Dream Kitchen, Two Sisters, George Street Grocery, 930 Blues Café, Gloria's …


Jazz, Art & Friends

Jazz, Art, and Friends - Thurs., Aug. 26: Rhonda Richmond, Sept. 30, Oct. , Nov. 18, Dec. 2. Once a month at the Miss. Museum of Art, 6-9 p.m. $7. …


A Vegetarian's Cafeteria Survival Guide

It's noon on your first real day of classes, and you can't remember a time you were this hungry. You could eat a horse, if eating horse wasn't against your …


A Jackson Scene? by Randy Perkins

Take a survey of college music scenes around the country. College towns such as Austin, Chapel Hill, Athens and Olympia appear to be churning out indie-label rock bands by the …

Best of Jackson

[Best of Jackson]

Just moving to Jackson and unsure of where to go? Check out our readers' picks for the Best of Jackson from earlier this year.


Is Jackson a [Good] College Town?

Image by Ken Patterson

Forget Boston, it's too far away. Baton Rouge, too. Hell, forget Oxford and Starkville while you're at it. Home to five major colleges (Belhaven, Jackson State, Millsaps, Mississippi College and …


Don't Stereotype Me

I sat on Belhaven College's campus, on my lunch break, right after school had finished for the year and summer school was beginning. I watched as people came in and …


Target: Labor (Day)

Assistant Police Chief Edna Drake took a seat next to Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. at a recent City Council meeting in full uniform, her black gun bridled by its shiny …


T.O. Calls Garcia Out

NFL teams are preparing for the first full weekend of exhibition games. So naturally it's time to start talking about players' sex lives. In an interview in the next issue …


[Rev] Veggie Car Road Trip, Part III: South America!

We left off last week wondering how DM&E (David, Mali and Emilio )would get across the Darien gap, the 54-mile impassable portion of the Pan-American Highway. The answer turned out …


Sloppy, Dreary ‘Village'

"The Village" takes forever to reach its destination, and when it does, it's difficult to care. Following a trio of superbly crafted thrillers ("The Sixth Sense," "Unbreakable," and "Signs"), writer/director …


No Stoplight for Bubba

With his stiff blue collar and black-rimmed glasses, state Rep. Randy "Bubba" Pierce looks and smiles just like a politician. When we spotted him at the Neshoba County Fair, he …

Full Text of John Kerry's Convention Speech

My name is John Kerry, and I am reporting for duty. We are here tonight because we love our country. We are proud of what America is and what it …


Where are the Rock Stars?

When Judy Coleman was 16, she watched MTV's "Rock the Vote" special "Choose or Lose" religiously. The rock stars sucked her in.


[Road to Wellness] Onward and Upward, Weeks 5 and 6

Well, gang, we've put in a full month of trying to live a well-rounded, healthier life. Mr. Gunter and I are still (pretty) hard at it. He's discovered a new …


[Road to Wellness] Skating into Health, Weeks 9 and 10

Can you believe we're almost done with our 12 weeks? After this one, there's only one more installment. I don't know about y'all, but I actually feel better, both mentally …


[Rev] City Gal, Country Gal

As you might know, I'm a city gal. As you don't know, I just got back from a long weekend out in the boonies, and boy did I notice some …