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Senate Grants Barbour More Budget Power

The Mississippi Senate passed a bill yesterday that would give Gov. Haley Barbour greater leeway in cutting state agencies to balance the state's budget. The bill, Senate Bill 2495, would …


Barbour Attacks Eaves for Suing the Military; Eaves Responds

In recent TV ads, Gov. Haley Barbour feigns outrage at his opponent for suing the military as a trial attorney. Eaves responds in an e-mail and TV spot that indicates …


FEMA To Cancel No-Bid Contracts

The front page of The Clarion-Ledger almost looked like a real newspaper today. The lead story is a combo wire/local effort about how FEMA is cancelling no-bid contracts. Of course, …

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OPINION: COVID-19 Recovery Plan Needs Bipartisan Oversight, Lessons from Katrina

Mississippi is at a crossroads on our recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. Our Legislature must be involved to ensure more balanced priorities and better financial accountability in the use of …

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Bush Condemns Trump-Era America: 'Bigotry Seems Emboldened'

Former President George W. Bush on Thursday denounced bigotry in Trump-era American politics, warning that the rise of "nativism," isolationism and conspiracy theories have clouded the nation's true identity.

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KiOR on the Block?

Fully cashing in on the green energy revolution continues to elude Mississippi as a company that state officials, including former Gov. Haley Barbour, helped fund with state money, is now …

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Analysis: 2015 Republican Primary May Grow Again

The recent Republican U.S. Senate race won by Thad Cochran may be a sign that Republican dominance in general elections will finally translate into GOP primaries that are larger statewide …

Civil Rights Museum Stirs Controversy, Again

State lawmakers will have a chance to act on Gov. Haley Barbour's recent call to move a proposed state civil-rights museum to downtown Jackson. Sen. John Horhn, D-Jackson, told the …

Protesters Seek Full Pardon for Scott Sisters

Paroled sisters Jamie and Gladys Scott deserve a full pardon for their alleged 1993 crime, protesters argued today. A crowd of more than 100 marched this morning from Farish Street …


Barbour Caves on Tobacco Tax

Gov. Haley Barbour this week announced that he would support a 24-cent-per-pack hike in tobacco taxes. Some say it's not enough.

UPDATE: House Speaker McCoy Wins in 62-60 Vote

The Legislature is in session, and the House will vote on a new speaker shortly. Keep an eye out here for the outcome of the contentious battle, with Gov. Haley …


House, Senate Switch Roles

The Mississippi Legislature ended the $330,000 special session this week around 10 p.m. Friday night with a final package of bills intended to help rebuild the Coast. Lawmakers managed to …


Legislative Update: Smokes, Schools and Parks

The House agreed with the Senate in a 120-to-0 vote to roll the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi into the Health Department. Former tobacco lobbyist Haley Barbour killed the Partnership …


Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Graphic courtesy of The Mellman Group

The Mississippi Legislature made a second attempt at tax reform this year, with the House's approval of Senate Bill 3084 on a 79 to 41 vote. The bill is an …


Miss. Prayer Warriors Protesting Barbour Lobbying Ties

Haley Barbour still getting paid by lobbying firm.

The Mississippi Prayer Warriors sent around this e-mail today questioning Barbour's lobbying ties. Pasted verbatim:

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To Punish North Korea, US Weighs Sanctions on Chinese Companies

Having lost patience with China, the Trump administration is studying new steps to starve North Korea of cash for its nuclear program, including an option that would infuriate Beijing: sanctions …


Haley Barbour Recalls Reagan in Neshoba County Fair Speech

Neshoba County Fair/July 30, 2009/Verbatim

Thank you. It's great to be back at the Fair; there's no place like it. A little mud on your boots never should bother anybody over here. This is my …


Salon.com Questions Barbour's ‘Mississippi Miracle'

Salon.com today has a "hard look" into the job that Haley Barbour has done with Katrina recovery. Some interesting stuff in there, particularly about how slowly some of the non-casino …


New Republic on the ‘K Street Evil Genius'

I knew New Republic was doing a story on Gov. Haley Barbour, and this one looks like a doozy. There's a lot there, but this part about Capitol Resources, etc., …

Barbour Raised $3.4 Million in First Quarter of 2007

[Verbatim from Barbour] JACKSON, MS - Governor Haley Barbour today filed a campaign finance report showing he raised more than $3.4 million in the first four months of 2007 and …