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[Kamikaze] Hold The Beef

There is great joy in understanding. Simple communication doesn't get nearly as much hype as it should. Conflict managers through the ages have championed the benefits of true conversation, but …

Domestic Violence

[Greggs] Ali G's Magnificent 2006 Predictions

Last year on New Year's, I made a resolution against resolutions. My logic for this decision was knowing that if I truly wanted to change something about myself, I could …

[Kamikaze] A Simple Plan

The equation seems simple. In order for society to create productive adults, it must first nurture them as children. Young people are the foundation of our future. Some will be …

[Kamikaze] The New Racism

You guys should know me by now. I'm that radical, angry rapper-guy who seems to have an opinion on everything. The guy who likes to stir it up, make you …

Editor's Note

Going Dr. Laura On Your Ass

Perhaps Asa Carter, a Klansman and the secretary of the North Alabama White Citizens Council, said it best in 1956:


August 4 - 10, 2005

<b>What About Sex?</b>

I found Ali Gregg's column "Why Not Just Turn Gay?" (July 28-Aug. 3, 2005) somewhat humorous. She listed her 10 reasons why she wouldn't make a good lesbian. Most of …

[Kamikaze] Bush's Report Card

My kids got their first report card of the year recently. As most parents know, it's that initial indicator that lets you know just where your child stands with his …

Editor's Note

Damned If We Don't

The weekend Katrina hit, Kate Medley and I were in the Natchez area finishing research and art for the package of stories that you'll read in this issue. This time …

Domestic Violence

[Greggs] Why Not Just Turn Gay?

The other day I was lying around with a friend discussing my less-than-stellar dating life and wondering what it would be like if I expended all that time doing something …

Domestic Violence

[Chick] Oh, Snap

"Oh, snap!" That's what Monkey said when he realized he was going to miss a barbecue while with his dad at the beach. I was both shocked and amused. "Did …


My So-Called Holiday Column

They say that during the holidays, you're supposed to stop and consider what you're thankful for. (OK, this is starting out cheesy, I know. Work with me here.) Combine that …

Editor's Note

Oh, Say Can We See?

When Mazie Moore saw that picture in Jet Magazine in 1955, it terrified the Franklin County mother. Mamas across the South, black mamas, were hearing about the photo. They took …


Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2005

<b><u>History in Books</b></u>

As one born and raised in Mississippi, I am deeply interested in its history. A part of that history too little known and too readily forgotten in our time is …


Sensational ‘Suburban Legends'

Perhaps the biggest single flaw that The Clarion-Ledger has in its recent addition to its "Changing Face of Jackson" series is the fact that it doesn't include itself in the …

[Mangum] Every Child, One Voice?

"Hey, FAGGOT!" Not exactly what you want to hear starting the school day, right? But I can't tell you the number of days of my Mississippi junior high school life …

Domestic Violence

[Greggs] One Tiny Little Pink Line

On some rather innocuous Sunday eight years ago, I was a 21-year-old recent college graduate just back from a camping trip. I sat on the edge of a bathtub and …

[Stiggers] Tale Of Two Nations

We interrupt Oprah's Lexus from Texas Luxury Car Giveaway show to bring you a special holiday message from Rudy McBride, C.E.O. of the Let Me Hold Five Dollars National Bank.

Your Turn

Wanted: A Strong , Safe Jackson

The decision by Mayor Frank Melton and Chief Shirlene Anderson to eliminate the eight-member Crime Prevention Unit of the Jackson Police Department (along with approximately 10 other JPD positions) upset …

Tease photo City & County

Appeals Court Tosses David Archie Conviction

The Mississippi Court of Appeals threw out the convictions of David Archie and a dozen other people who were arrested at a March 2008 protest in Canton.

Tease photo Business

Jackson, Oxford, Tupelo Get High Econ Scores

Yes, Jackson, our economic strength is growing.