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Civil Rights Museum Planners Collecting Stories

It has been 50 years since James Meredith became the first African American student to attend the University of Mississippi. Until recently, Mississippi had no central location for celebrating this …


State Segregating Mentally Ill

One night last fall, Watson Dollar became angry when his mother would not let him drink from her water bottle. At the time, Pam Dollar was fighting a cold and …


Tyler Edmonds Says He's ‘Dusting Off' After 5th Circuit Loss

Tyler Edmonds, who was tried as an adult for allegedly helping his sister kill her husband when he was only 13, was rebuffed yesterday by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court …


Services Aren't Like Toasters

Politicians, especially the tight-fisted ones, love to compare the government to your home. When money is tight at home, they'll explain condescendingly, you may have to send your toaster to …


Services Aren't Like Toasters

Politicians, especially the tight-fisted ones, love to compare the government to your home. When money is tight at home, they'll explain condescendingly, you may have to send your toaster to …


Enviros Challenge MDA on Drilling

Environmental groups want more time to study the effects of opening the Mississippi Sound to oil and gas drilling.


CNN Highlights Perks for Barbour Trustys

CNN is now reporting that in his last days in office, Gov. Haley Barbour's staff helped two mansion inmate workers secure driver's licenses and that those prisoners, David Gatlin and …


Pardongate Draws to a Close

Two months after Haley Barbour's last-minute clemency acts sparked political controversy around Mississippi and the country, the Pardongate episode has came to a close. In a 6-3 vote handed down …


Wedge Issues Bring Heated Debates

Democrats turned up the heat in debates over abortion, immigration and voter rights last week. Up against deadlines to get bills out of committee and through floor votes, the Mississippi …

Editor's Note

[Editor's Note] A Romney Runs Through Us

Campaigning in Mississippi last week, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set off a mini-firestorm in our offices. Sometime between joking about grits and forking up some hay, down-south style, Romney …

Editor's Note

A Romney Runs Through Us

Campaigning in Mississippi last week, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set off a mini-firestorm in our offices. Sometime between joking about grits and forking up some hay, down-south style, Romney …


State Supreme Court: Barbour Pardons Valid

The roughly 200 acts of clemency Haley Barbour granted in his final days as governor are valid, according a 6-3 Mississippi Supreme Court decision handed down this afternoon.


On the Primary Ballots

Born in Hawaii, Barack Obama attended Columbia University and Harvard Law School and worked as community organizer, constitutional lawyer and professor. He served three terms in the Illinois Senate and …


Power to the People

When someone offered Melissa Cooper $700 for some of her prescription pain medication in 2010, she jumped at the opportunity.


Hood Links Sunshine Act to Pardons

Attorney General Jim Hood's campaign site sent out an email this morning urging his supporters to call senators and oppose the Sunshine Act, which would allow agency heads to hire …

City Lifts Boil Water Alert

The city has lifted a boil water alert in effect since last Friday after two consecutive clear tests by the Health Department, a statement this morning said.


[Your Turn] Fix the System

The recent flap over Haley Barbour's 200 pardons and commutations has highlighted problems in our current gubernatorial clemency processes. At my request, the staff of the legislative Performance and Expenditure …


Fix the System

The recent flap over Haley Barbour's 200 pardons and commutations has highlighted problems in our current gubernatorial clemency processes. At my request, the staff of the legislative Performance and Expenditure …


The JFP Interview with Steve Holland

In a matter of 24 hours, Steve Holland went from seemingly being the director of "Punk'd: Mississippi Edition" to directing funerals.


Personhood: Symbol or Substance?

Although state Sen. Joey Fillingane, R-Sumrall, says it's unlikely the Mississippi Legislature will take up the debate over personhood this year, efforts by state lawmakers in Mississippi and elsewhere in …