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Moran Tackles PERS, Eminent Domain

Connie Moran, Democratic candidate for treasurer, promised to keep the Public Employees Retirement System intact if she is elected.

Tornado Awareness Week

<i>Verbatim from Mississippi Emergency Management Agency</i>

Gov. Haley Barbour has proclaimed the week of Oct. 24-28 as Tornado Awareness Week in Mississippi.


Conference Addresses State Revenue Solutions

Closing corporate tax loopholes, changing income-tax structures and increasing human capital are a few recommendations policy leaders made this morning to improve Mississippi's economic future.


Ronni Mott Responds to Hood on Hayne

On March 12, 2010, Radley Balko, formerly of Reason Magazine, published an email from Hood to coroners and others urging them to get legislators to vote against H.B. 1456. The …

Person of the Day

Aubrey K. Lucas

With his trademark bowtie in place, Aubrey K. Lucas oversaw the evolution of the University of Southern Mississippi. For that and other activities, he is one of 11 Mississippi Medal …

Person of the Day

Mary Libby Payne

Justice Mary Libby Payne, 79, of Pearl is one of 11 recipients of the Mississippi Medal of Service for significant contributions to the state.

AG Hood Passes on ‘Mud Fight' with Simpson

Republican Attorney General candidate Steve Simpson's attempts to spar with his opponent, Democratic incumbent Jim Hood, went mostly uncontested during a debate at a John C. Stennis Institute of Government …

Biz Roundup

BP and Main Streets

BP may seem like a strange benefactor for Gulf Coast businesses in light of the damaging oil spill still fresh in Mississippi memories, but BP America has announced a partnership …

Person of the Day

Cornelius "C" Turner

Cornelius "C" Turner adds another honor to his accomplishments. Last week, Gov. Haley Barbour honored Turner and 10 other people with the Mississippi Medal of Service for significant contributions to …

Outcome of PERS Study Uncertain

Speculation has been running rampant since August, when Gov. Haley Barbour appointed a commission to study the Public Employees' Retirement System.


Legislators Promise to Keep ‘13th Check'

This morning, legislators tried to calm fears about upcoming recommendations from the Public Employees' Retirement System Study Commission, saying they would not be in favor of ending the "13th check," …


Hood vs. Simpson

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, a Democrat, and his Republican opponent Steve Simpson accused each other last week of conflicts of interest.

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The JFP Interview with Steve Simpson

When Stephen Simpson stands over you with his 6-foot-7-inch frame, you might want to think twice before disagreeing with him. The Republican will tell you that "it's easy being on …


Stion Opens in Hattiesburg

The city of Hattiesburg celebrated the opening of a new solar-panel manufacturer last week.

Sept. 19, 2011


Teen Births Have High Cost

Instead of focusing on emotions, the Women's Fund of Mississippi is highlighting the cost of teen births to advocate for comprehensive sex-education in the state's public schools. Last week, the …


Sex Education is Not a Partisan issue

For so long, Mississippi's public officials, and its community and school district leaders have shied away from talking about sex to avoid the potential political consequences. Last week however, the …


Advocates Gear up For Personhood Battle

Anti-abortion advocates celebrated a Mississippi Supreme Court ruling last week that OK'd a Nov. 8 ballot initiative asking voters whether the state Constitution should define when life begins, but the …

Barbour to Raise Funds for Republican PAC

Gov. Haley Barbour has joined American Crossroads, a well-funded conservative Political Action Committee that heavily influenced the 2010 elections, The Washington Post reported last week.


‘Disparity' Study Call Disrupts Session

Percy Watson knew that getting the Mississippi Legislature to fund a disparity study was a long shot, but he had hoped it would somehow make it through the Republican-majority Senate …

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News Wars: The Rise and Fall of The Clarion-Ledger

Orley Hood and Walter Philbin lugged their laundry bags into the laundromat near the Jitney 14 on Fortification Street. They sorted their clothes, put their coins in the slots and …