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[Stiggers] Public Option Pledge

Smokey "Robinson" McBride: "Welcome to the Ghetto Science Team's Public Option Healthcare Rally, Picnic and Disco. It looks like change has opened Pandora's box of hypocrisy, seasoned with bigotry and …

Editor's Note

A Taste of Something Sweet

My earliest memories come to me in pictures. The drawings and etchings in the huge old book of German fairy tales my grandmother read to me are clearer in my …

Tease photo Editorial

Close Loopholes for Race Violence

In 2005, the Jackson Free Press went to Franklin County, Miss., with the brother of Charles Moore, one of two black teenagers killed by the Klan in 1964. We wanted …

Editor's Note

Lessons From My Mother

Mothers have a habit of bestowing advice and rules to live by, often perpetuating old wives' tales or insensible teachings like: "Don't read in the dark. You'll go blind." (I …

[Greggs] Not That Many Bullets

It used to be that when you wanted to lose it and shoot a bunch of the idiots hanging around you, you would say you were about to "go postal." …


Media Literacy Project: Editors Speak Up

With the conclusion of the research from the Media Literacy Project, editors from the Jackson Advocate, Northside Sun, and Madison County Journal respond.


Remember Sanity

When I was given the opportunity to go to Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity this past weekend, I jumped at the chance. I went to school in the Washington, …


No. 34, July 12

<b><em>Overturning Brown</b></em>

The U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling makes one shudder at what else might be coming for minorities and women. It was the …

Tease photo Editorial

Stop Creating More Shortfalls

If State Auditor Stacey Pickering gets his way, the state could end up paying an extra $3 million for a bill that has already been paid.


[Balko] Getting Forensics Right

by Radley Balko March 14, 2011 After countless scandals in recent years, the problems with America's forensics system are finally getting some national attention. In December, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) …


It's About Jobs, Not ‘Obamacare'

Republicans managed to snag a U.S. House of Representatives majority last week, and many consider this a "mandate" to repeal health-care reform meant to hold insurance companies accountable and provide …

[Hutchinson] Where Was the World When Haiti Really Needed It?

The heartbreaking and pathetic scene that I and a group of American visitors witnessed at the small beach town in Northern Haiti still haunts me. We had no sooner arrived …

[Stiggers] Bus-Driving Deacons

"Even though the cold-heartedness of people brings a chill to my soul, I will do my best to remain warm and sympathetic to the needs of others."

Domestic Violence

The Path of Least Drama

Everyone who reads me regularly knows that I despise the question "Why does she stay?" when asked about domestic-abuse victims.

[Stiggers] Bum Education, Double-Digit Inflation

Cootie McBride: "About a week ago, I spoke at a law and order conference. After what I thought was a convincing presentation, an affluent member of high society asked me: …


Message For Our Time

Only the family of God can solve the problem of education in Mississippi. The Bible says that "You should train up a child in the way he should go, and …

[Viewpoint] My Mississippi Delta

Being born in the Bolivar County hospital on a sweltering day in August is just about my chief claim to credibility as a writer. I was raised in the Mississippi …

[Balko] Abolish Drunk Driving Laws

Last week Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo advocated for creating a new criminal offense: "driving while ability impaired." The problem with the current Texas law prohibiting "driving while intoxicated," Acevedo …


GOP: Avoid Tea Party Kool-Aid

That Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant and many Mississippi Republicans are aligning themselves with the tea party comes as little surprise. Bryant told The Clarion-Ledger last week that tea-party beliefs "are …


[Mott] Nearing Nirvana

I've always been fascinated with how my brain works. Sometimes, it's downright confounding. Take dieting, for example. I know exactly what I should be eating (and not eating), but I …