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Barbour Frequently Out of State

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour was out of state all or part of 48 days in July, August and September, The Associated Press reported Saturday.


Dems React to Pardongate

Haley Barbour's granting clemency to more than 200 people precipitated so much fallout that there's now fallout to the fallout.


What Will Barbour Say?

Gov. Haley Barbour is holding a press conference with Ole Miss Chancellor Robert Khayat at 11 a.m. today on campus. This press event was already scheduled, but took on a …


Barbour’s True Place in Katrina History

The 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's devastation has understandably come with a deluge of retrospectives and remembrances—what went right and wrong, what lessons were learned, what work remains and how …

Person of the Day

Ermea Russell

On May 23, Ermea Russell will begin her term as a Mississippi Appeals Court judge. Gov. Haley Barbour appointed her last week.

Your Turn

Stop Supporting Abuse, Governor

Patrick Gregory, DHM, sent the following letter to Gov. Haley Barbour on July 2, 2007.


Medicaid Shortfall Filled?

Mississippi's Medicaid shortfall is solved for the moment, according to a statement released today by Gov. Haley Barbour. Thanks to a refund of approximately $58.9 million from the federal Center …


Bill Funds Cybercrime Unit

Yesterday, legislators sent Senate Bill 2978 to Gov. Haley Barbour for his signature, which will increase by $1 fines for certain misdemeanors and felonies by $1 to help fund the …


A Hidden Tax Increase?

State Reps. George Flaggs, D-Vicksburg, and Steve Holland, D-Plantersville, are asking Gov. Haley Barbour to call a special session to address the state's rising college tuition costs.

House Voted to Sell Jet

On the Mississippi House list of ways to deal with the state's budget crunch is selling the state's jet used by Gov. Haley Barbour. Last week, House lawmakers voted to …

Some Adopt Wait-and-See Attitude on Cold Meds Law

Law enforcement officers in Mississippi are expressing mixed reactions to a new law signed by Gov. Haley Barbour last week, reports The Hattiesburg American. The Magnolia state is the second …


Barbour Again Seeks More Budgetary Power

Gov. Haley Barbour, in a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant and House Speaker Billy McCoy, has again asked for additional power to cut Mississippi's state budget. Citing lagging …

Superintendent Responds to Education Cuts

(verbatim statement) State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tom Burnham regarding the additional cuts to the K-12 education budget by Governor Haley Barbour:

Haley Barbour's 2008 Inaugural Address

Read the verbatim full text of the governor's prepared remarks over on StateDesk.

Domestic Violence

The Color of Clemency

Mississippi's pardon process isn't race-blind, either. A Reuters analysis, completed by Himanshu Ojha, Marcus Stern and Jackson Free Press stringer Robbie Ward, found that the more than 200 acts of …


Lawmakers Pass Civil Rights Museum Bill

Construction of a civil rights museum and a history museum for the state of Mississippi is a go after lawmakers passed a bill moving it forward yesterday.

Bill Targets Barbour's Jet Use

The Mississippi House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would limit the use of state-owned aircraft to official business only. The bill comes after concerns from lawmakers that Gov. …

Domestic Violence

Barbour Signs AG's Domestic Violence Bill

<i>Verbatim statement:</i>

A domestic violence related bill sponsored by Attorney General Jim Hood has been signed into law. Gov. Haley Barbour signed SB 2426, which makes it a misdemeanor for someone to …


We the People with ID

State Sen. Charlie Ross, R-Brandon, a GOP candidate for lieutenant governor, held a press conference on the steps of the capitol this morning, requesting Gov. Haley Barbour to call a …

Governor Leads Southern Energy Conference

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour joins Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens today in Biloxi to lead a two day energy summit titled "Southern Energy: Abundant, Affordable and American." according to the …