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Vol. 6, No. 14

<b><em>Liberal or Conservative?</b></em>

Yours is a liberal or "progressive," if you prefer, publication. That is your prerogative. But James L. Dickerson's "Liberal or Conservative? The Home Test" column (Vol. 6, No. 12) strains …

Oil Spill

BP Funded Microbe Study

Last week, major news outlets ran with headlines about how scientist have found a new microbe eating up BP's oil and how microbes have degraded the hydrocarbons so efficiently that …


Mayor Tries to Clean House

Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, elected July 4, was already looking to shake the system July 27, calling for the resignation of city board and commission members. In a press release, …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Fighting for Beautiful

Why do so many women find it hard to believe they are beautiful?

[Kinnison] 'Motivate and Delegate'

This summer, after I crossed Interstate 10 and returned home after graduating from Loyola University, I showed up at the Jackson Free Press again. I had first interned at the …


Not Yet out of the Woods

Following the election of Barack Obama, there seemed to be a great national catharsis - a collective sigh of relief or joy heard 'round the world. The past few weeks …


Week 1 In The Czech Republic: Jetlag

I always thought that jetlag thing was some kind of myth LOL. Ive heard stories about it from world travelers but didnt realize that the body is REALLY affected by …

Tease photo coronavirus

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Gov. Reeves, Stop the Insanity

Gov. Reeves knew the threat to Mississippi hospitals when he implemented one of the most liberal reopening plans of any U.S. state in late May. As with Florida and Texas, …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Fresh Eyes on the Capital City

When dancers in the USA International Ballet Competition refer to the competition in Jackson (which, by the way, is the only one of its kind in the U.S.), they simply …

Tease photo Politics

Looking for Leaders, Equitable Thinking

For years, I figured I'd like to go through Leadership Greater Jackson, but it "wasn't the year" for me—not enough time to commit or money or both—but this year, when …

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Pride Month Is Over, But the Fight Isn’t

It is interesting that the three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which lifted the injunction blocking HB 1523, did so in June during the last week …

Tease photo Editor's Note

My Cool City

I can say without a doubt that there is no better place to grow up or to live than Jackson.

Tease photo Editor's Note

What Is Beauty?

Wherever you are, just appreciate the person looking back at you. Half the battle in life is learning to stop hating what you see in the mirror.

Tease photo Music

Scott Albert Johnson

Writing, recording and distributing an album is never an expedient process. For Jackson vocalist, songwriter and harmonica player Scott Albert Johnson's latest record, "Going Somewhere," that was especially true.


Ledger Spreads Bad Info About Columbus Daily

The Commercial Dispatch in Columbus was surprised to learn yesterday that it was changing format from a daily newspaper to a weekly "advertiser" format. Except that it wasn't true. Turns …


Berwood: Left Behind and Unified

As you drive down Northside Drive on the north end of town, you pass a recently renovated McDonald's, a Taco Bell that has been remodeled to add a Long John …


The Earliest Speech I Ever Gave

So after a jam-packed week in Seattle and then in Portland), I got up Sunday morning to drive the hour or so to a town I'd never visited to speak …

Tease photo City & County

The JFP Interview with Kourtney Paige

Kourtney Paige has spent his career working in radio. Now, he wants to lend his voice to the people of Jackson as city councilman for Ward 4.

Tease photo Immigration

Rep. Palazzo: Caged Kids Getting ‘Best Treatment of Their Lives,’ Despite Deaths

When 7-year-old Guatemalan child Jakelin Caal died of shock and dehydration while in Customs and Border Patrol custody on Dec. 8, 2018, she was the first child to die in …

Tease photo Biz Roundup

Downtown on Display, Bio-Med, Small Biz Awards, Top STEM Majors

The second annual Downtown on Display will take place in Jackson on Saturday, Nov. 1, coinciding with the fourth annual Town Creek Arts Festival.