All results / Stories


ABC Poll: Voters say U.S. on ‘Wrong Track'; Kerry Ahead

ABC News is reporting: "Skepticism about the nation's direction is boosting John Kerry's campaign for president: Fifty-five percent of likely voters say the country is on the wrong track, and …

[Stiggers] Bearable, Not Burdensome

Let the Clubb Chicken Wing Staff bring a little joy into your unemployed, foreclosed and repossessed world this Christmas holiday season. The 'new poor' (aka middle class) are welcome, too. …


New Year's All Over Again

The Chinese New Year is Feb. 3, and it's the Year of the Rabbit. What does that mean? It's a welcome year, according to Chinese astrology, after the tumultuous Year …

Donations Sought to Repair Family's Home

Real Estate Solutions Managing Broker Willis Finley is seeking donations from the community to help a Jackson family in need of home repairs and heat.


For the Gents

Whether buying for your husband, son, father, boyfriend or boss—these gift ideas are sure to bring a smile to his face this holiday season.

[Aziz] Bought Out: African Americans Sell Future for Shoes

During my last year in school at Jackson State University I learned that African Americans spend three times more than any other ethnic group. When I heard this, I couldn't …

Tease photo Talk

Calling Out Entergy

AARP and the Mississippi Sierra Club say Entergy Mississippi is not being completely honest in describing the reasons for the company's decision to increase customers' rates.

Tease photo City & County

Natural Gas: The Natural Choice?

The purchase of three new squad cars for the Jackson Police Department breezed through approval last month, but some city leaders are calling for the city to take a new …

Tease photo Health Care

Poll: Most Say Time to End Effort to Repeal Obama Health Law

Message to President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans: It's time to make the Obama health care law more effective. Stop trying to scuttle it. That's the resounding word from a …

Publisher's Note

Make Jackson Weird

I grew up a Dallas Cowboys fan, and one of the biggest adjustments to rooting for my now-beloved Saints is to learn to keep hope alive for a team that …

Tease photo Health Care

Health-Care Navigators Fight Misinformation

Jarvis Dortch, program manager for the Mississippi Health Advocacy Group and a marketplace navigator for the Affordable Care Act, says many people don’t know that the ACA is the same …


Scary Burbs

<i>Urban Flight May Shorten Your Life</i>

Last spring, during the media frenzy over crime in the city, I interviewed a Brandon woman who had been the victim of an armed robbery in Jackson. She wasn't physically …

Tease photo Cover

Haley's Choice: Native Son Barbour Comes Home to Run for Governor

The big sign draped between two trees next to the Neshoba County Fair pavilion in August 1982 caused a lot of drama: "Happy Birthday, Senator Stennis."


[Spiehler] Where Is the Line?

"What about life-saving abortions?"


Don't Just Complain; Engage!

The Jackson Public Schools board meeting May 1 was packed. Parents and students who had recently learned about the district's rezoning plan lined the walls and stood in the halls …


Aiming Against Government

District 73 Rep. Jim Ellington was busy getting ready for a fundraiser for the Central Mississippi National Rifle Association on Sept. 22 when he gave this interview. The Raymond resident …

Tease photo Dish

Bob Moser: 'Reclaiming the South'

Bob Moser, who has reported for The Nation and Rolling Stone, and served as the editor of the tough Independent Weekly in North Carolina, has written a book on the …


More Room At the Inn

While plans for a convention-center hotel remain in limbo, downtown Jackson is seeing plenty of hotel development on a smaller scale. Last week, a team of developers that included several …

Tease photo Politics

Miss. Says 'No Thanks' to Medicaid Expansion Dollars

Mississippi has long been one of the sickest and poorest states in America, with some of the highest rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease and more than 1 in …


The Smell of the Matrix

The Toyota Matrix keeps growing on me. Initially I wrote it off completely as aimed a little too young for my taste. As I dig deeper into the idea of …