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Come On And Rescue Me ...

Driving to work this morning, I saw a handful of pro-birth protesters with huge magnified fetus signed, probably Photoshopped (their favorite tech invention), in front of UMC. It seems that …

Religious Leaders Oppose Payday Lending Laws

Stewpot Community Services Chief Executive Officer Rev. Frank Spencer said Stewpot Community Services would supply groceries to people whose choices are limited to paying off their loan or buying groceries.

Publisher's Note

Think Global, Buy Local

Welcome to the "Good" issue. Our goal with this intern-created issue is to present you with ways that you can give back, give thanks and consider some opportunities to do …

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Round 1: Obama Wins Oxford Debate, Polls Say

Jean Tripp, 34, of Alabama, expected nothing short of "fire and brimstone" when she came to Oxford.


Melton: Hood Is Wrong

Read PDFs of documents that Melton faxed to the JFP to prove that he can carry weapons places prohibited by state law. Click here for the PDFs.

Publisher's Note

Do You Know What it Means ...?

That Super Bowl journey with the New Orleans Saints last year was such a roller-coaster ride that I'll admit I've been slow to get back into the football-watching rhythm so …


Indigo Changes

America's baby boom generation set out to change the world in the '60s and '70s, and they succeeded. Marching together, they helped stop an unjust, undeclared war and made choice …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Blackness, Leisure and an American Dream

Everyone was sold on the American Dream. The trouble is, when scenes like McKinney play out, it's hard to make a case that black people who bought into the dream …


The Artist and the Councilman

Photograph by Jessica Kinnison

Mid-afternoon on New Years Eve, Ward 1 City Councilman Ben Allen is finishing an eight-year run on the Jackson City Council, and artist William Goodman is heading toward his first …

[Purvis] The Case for Shopping Locally

I hate going to superstores. I rarely see the same staff, and the employees never seem too interested in being there. Maybe that's a symptom of supersizing. How can an …


Make that a Biggie

If you're anything like me, during the week I just can't get it together long enough to cook a healthy meal or eat at a real restaurant. It's easy to …


Gifts That Matter

Every time I pick up my mail these days, I get a half-dozen pleas from non-profits and charities to send money. Unfortunately for them, it was last year that I …


Doctors Call for a 'Public Health' Solution to Gun Violence in the United States

Is a gun like a virus, a car, tobacco or alcohol? Yes say public health experts, who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look …


Reports Reflect Fed's Message of Stronger Economy

The U.S. housing recovery is strengthening. Factories are fielding more orders. And Americans' confidence in the economy has reached its highest point in 5½ years.

Health Care

Pentagon Struggles with High Cost of Health Care

The loud, insistent calls in Washington to rein in the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare ignore a major and expensive entitlement program—the military's health care system.


Nadella to Head Microsoft; Gates Leaves Chair Role

Microsoft has named Satya Nadella, an executive in charge of the company's small, but growing business of delivering software and services over the Internet, as its new CEO. Company founder …

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Jackson's New Rental Regs May Target 'Slumlords,' Property Owners Unhappy

The sore subject of inadequate rental housing in Jackson, and how best to regulate, register and inspect it, packed a Jackson City Council public hearing Tuesday evening. Ward 6 Councilman …

Tease photo Politics

Legislative Fixes Needed for Primaries?

Assuming the Republican primary for U.S. Senate is resolved by the start of the 2015 legislative session, the Legislature could grapple with whether legislative fixes are required to curb electoral …


Russian Fund with US Advisers Eludes Sanctions

As President Barack Obama warns of stepped-up economic punishments against Russia for its military incursions inside Ukraine, U.S. sanctions have so far avoided one prominent financial institution: the $10 billion …

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Bad Habits Start Young

Our junk-food habits contribute to the childhood obesity epidemic and the related illnesses later in life. In Mississippi, the state Department of Health reported in 2009 that 40 percent of …