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DuPree Campaigns Against the Tide

A decade ago, Johnny DuPree, while running for re-election to the Forrest County Board of Supervisors, answered a phone call from then-Lt. Gov. Ronnie Musgrove asking for help with his …

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The Tragic Case of the Scott Sisters

Jamie and Gladys Scott arrived at the Mini Mart gas station on Highway 35 in Forest, Miss., sometime between 10:30 and 11 p.m. on Christmas Eve 1993. It was just …


Barbour Misses ACORN Bandwagon

The day after Gov. Haley Barbour announced he was cutting state funds to ACORN, the JFP broke the news that the state gives no money to the group—which no longer …

Barbour Talks Party Line on Cap & Trade

In a speech yesterday at the Southern Growth Policies Board, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour repeated the GOP's party line about the Obama administration's proposed cap and trade energy policies, repeatedly …


Transcribed Remarks of Barbour, Pickering, Red Cross Head

Transcribed Remarks: Governor Haley Barbour, U.S. Congressman Chip Pickering, and

Governor Haley Barbour: Let me start off by introducing a great ally to Mississippi, and somebody that is a genuine pleasure for me to have here and to let visit …


Taking On The Times

"It was like it was someone's opinion but it wasn't attributed to anyone," Lea Stokes, a MEMA spokeswoman, said of "Storm Hit Little, but Aid Flowed to Inland City," an …

Health Care

Barbour Leads Anti-Health Reform Rhetoric

Gov. Haley Barbour and other opponents of health-care reform are making final efforts to derail an upcoming House vote on the Senate health-care package this Sunday.


The Rev. Wright Controversy: More Than Meets the Eye?

"Dear Jodi: Thank you for engaging in one of the biggest misrepresentations of the truth I have ever seen in sixty-five years." This is how Rev. Jeremiah Wright begins a …


Mississippi CofCC: Pearl Shouldn't Become ‘Little Jackson'

From the Mississippi CofCC Web site: "Some of our committee members met with several Mississippi House of Representative members to discuss upcoming issues that the legislature will face in 2005. …

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End Near for Racist Politics in Mississippi?

Wearing a long coat, she stood in front of a statue of Elvis Presley when she told the crowd that if her friend Colin Hutchinson "invited me to a public …

Editor's Note

Lost in Translation

"He is like a prodigal son, pondering whether he should return to his native soil." So wrote now-freelance Clarion-Ledger columnist Eric Stringfellow this week in a hand-wringing column about the …


Personhood's Next Move

Religious fervor illuminated much of the dialogue at a Yes on 26 event just moments after voters refused to pass a constitutional amendment to declare that people with legal rights …

Haley Barbour Speaks at Neshoba County Fair (Verbatim Speech)

*Remarks as prepared*

Thank you. Today I will give my last speech at this Fair as Governor. Marsha, who has had to sit through all but one of them, is being patient enough …


State Democrats Undemocratic?

Last month, the Mississippi Democratic Party filed suit with the federal district court in Greenville charging that the state's open primaries violate voting rights. Mississippi Democratic Communications Director Sam Hall …


Fact-Checking the Speeches

The political speeches at the Neshoba County Fair are a time when politicians and candidates get on the stump to tout their achievements, take a few jabs at their opponents …

AG: State Meth Laws Curbing Problem

[verbatim from AG's office]Since Mississippi's Meth Law went into effect just over a year ago, meth lab seizures have gone down 65%, announced Attorney General Jim Hood today. The new …

Undocumented Workers, Felons and Fines

Illegal immigrants and employers of illegal immigrants beware. The House passed Senate Bill 2988 by a wide margin today. The bill, called the Mississippi Employee Protection Act, forces all employers …

PSC's Presley ‘Frustrated' at Mixed Messages Over Entergy

Mississippi Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley is frustrated at conflicting reports from a sister agency about an audit of Entergy's rate increases in the state. The Public Service Commission refused …

Another Tragic Mississippi Day: Wilcher Executed

Gov. Haley Barbour's statement:

Despite the needless delay caused by the U.S. Supreme Court, justice has finally been rendered for these horrible crimes. The real tragedy in this case is that justice was delayed …


Abused Girls Sue State

The top administrator of Columbia Training School directly ordered that girls be shackled at the ankles for as long as a month, in violation of state policy and federal law, …