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What the Heck Is An IBA?

Sure, we have business organizations such as chambers of commerce, but they are not primarily and exclusively serving interests of small, locally owned businesses.

Tease photo Feature

Radical Idea: Vacancy Tax

So, just how do we unlock the empty buildings that are "warehoused" downtown by landlords, often absentee, who let their spaces rot waiting for the huge rent check of the …

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Build a Bicycle- and Pedestrian-Friendly Jackson

The key to change is finding simple, affordable tools that are easily accessible for people of all ages, races, socio-economic levels and abilities.

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Everyone Needs a Roof

You've heard it before: For many Americans, homelessness is just a couple of paychecks away.

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Jackson Planning Map

Jackson is a unique city with great potential. What makes this city great are her people, their passions and their visions.

Tease photo City & County

Disrupting the Status Quo

A baker's dozen of good ideas: That's what I came up with when asked to contribute a pithy set of good ideas to this issue.

City & County

Lumumba: Telling Unpopular Truths

One of the difficulties every politician will face, sooner or later, is the choice between telling the people the truth or couching issues in terms of easy-to-digest pabulum and paternalistic …

Tease photo Candidate

McQuirter: Planting the Seeds

Darrel McQuirter, a Hinds County department head who took a leave of absence to run for the District 2 supervisor's seat, is putting his job on the line because he …

Tease photo City & County

Council Passes $502.5 Million Budget

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba is aware that his controversial budget, which the city council passed Sept. 12 with a 5-2 vote, would ruffle some feathers. But he's OK with that. …

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Lion Around ‘A Quiet Town’

Zach Lovett and Spencer Thomas of Dandy & the Lions always dress to impress and are all around dapper, humble fellows.


Syria Gives Russia Chemical Weapons Evidence

Syria has turned over materials to Russia which aim to show that a chemical weapons attack last month was carried out by rebels, a top Russian diplomat visiting Damascus and …


Russia Opposes Use of Force in Resolution on Syria

Russia insisted Tuesday that a U.N. Security Council resolution governing Syria's handling of its chemical weapons not allow the use of force, but it suggested that could change if Damascus …


Acapulco Tourists Stranded; Mexico Death Toll 38

Emergency flights began arriving in Acapulco Tuesday to evacuate some of the tens of thousands of tourists stranded in the resort city by flooding and landslides that shut down the …


Colorado Evacuees Return to Find More Heartbreak

The rains finally stopped, allowing many Colorado flood evacuees to return home to toppled houses and upended vehicles with the realization that rebuilding their lives will take months. Search crews, …

Tease photo Development

Stokes: Hinds Should Cash in from 'One Lake'

Despite still being years away from any dirt moving on the so-called One Lake project that aims to mitigate flooding and provide business opportunities along its shore, one member of …

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10 Local Stories of the Week

There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them.


President's Brother Key to Syria Regime Survival

He is rarely photographed or even quoted in Syria's media. Wrapped in that blanket of secrecy, President Bashar Assad's younger brother has been vital to the family's survival in power.

Tease photo City & County

Jackson's Budget Gets Green Light

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba convinced the Jackson City Council to pass his proposed $502.5 million budget after holding two town-hall meetings and two public hearings.


Rights Group: Syrian Regime Behind Mass Killings

An international human rights group on Friday accused Syrian government forces and pro-regime militias of carrying out summary executions earlier this year that left at least 248 people dead in …


Colorado Flooding Cuts Off Mountain Towns, Kills 3

Heavy rains sent walls of water crashing down mountainsides Thursday in Colorado, cutting off remote towns, forcing the state's largest university to close and leaving at least three people dead …