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June 18, 2014

Hendrix and Sweet Head to Ward 6 Runoff

By HaleyFerretti

Tyrone Hendrix and Dennis Sweet IV will be heading for the Ward 6 City Council Election, which is scheduled for July 1.

In yesterday's election, Hendrix came out on top with 546 votes. Sweet was only nine votes behind with 537 votes total. Rashaad Crisler came in third place with 429 votes. The polling results can be viewed in its entirety on the city's website at http://www.jacksonms.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=79.

Hendrix was born and raised in Jackson. He is a longtime Democratic Party operative who helped manage Jonathan Lee's campaign for mayor in 2013 and worked with Regina Quinn during the recent special election for mayor. Before working for Lee last year, Hendrix—who runs a political consulting firm with his wife, Ercilla—was deputy campaign manager for Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny Dupree's 2011 gubernatorial bid.

He was also state director for Organizing for America, a grassroots advocacy group affiliated with the Democratic National Committee, and other community-organizing groups. During the 2009 Jackson mayor's race, Hendrix worked on the campaigns for state Sen. John Horhn in the Democratic primary and Harvey Johnson in the runoff and general election. In 2008, Hendrix worked on Barack Obama's first presidential campaign.

In a recent interview with Jackson Free Press, Hendrix explained what his top priorities would be if he obtained the Ward 6 seat.

"Hands down, in the first few weeks I’ll be going to the residents of Ward 6," Hendrix said. "I think that we can’t get so caught up in what we think the issues are, and I think we have a pretty good sense of what they are because I, personally, go knock on doors and make phone calls every day to residents of Ward 6. But at that particular time I think we’ll have to reinforce what we think the biggest issues are.

"…We also have problems with our children not having a place to go so they walk the street, they stay at home, they get in trouble. They say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. The saying is often used, but it also applies particularly in Ward 6 because a lot of places have closed down, particularly the parks. The park areas that we have in the ward, if they are open, they are unsightly. It’s not inviting for people to want to come and spend time in that green space, which would be a great place for kids to go."

Sweet works with his father at Sweet & Associates, where the younger Sweet specializes in civil litigation, civil rights, personal injury, medical malpractice, premises liability and criminal defense.

Born in Washington, D.C., and raised in Chicago, Sweet has practiced law in Mississippi since 2008. He has also worked as an adjunct professor and volunteer pre-law adviser for Tougaloo College, where he earned his bachelor's degree in 2004. Sweet attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law, and he received a Master of Laws from the George Washington University Law School in 2011.

In a recent interview with JFP, Sweet talked …

May 29, 2014

8 Candidates Running in Jackson Ward 6 Council Race

By HaleyFerretti

The City announced the following people as candidates in the upcoming Ward 6 election for City Council:

  • Daniel Myers
  • Robert Amos
  • Dennis Sweet, IV
  • Tim Rush
  • Wayne Lewis
  • Robert E. Green, Sr.
  • Rashaad Crisler
  • Tyrone C. Hendrix

The deadline to file for candidacy ended at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. The unofficial list originally consisted of 11 candidates. However, some names were ultimately cast out due to problems with signature filing.

The election is scheduled for June 17, and a runoff election, should it be in order, is set for July 1.

May 29, 2014 | 6 comments

Fla. League of Women Voters Releases Startling Charter School Study

By HaleyFerretti

The Florida League of Women Voters released the following verbatim news release Tuesday, May 27, 2014 in regard to a recently-completed study on charter schools across the state.

League of Women Voters Releases State-Wide Study on School Choice

Tallahassee, Fla — Twenty percent of the state's charter schools close because of financial mismanagement or poor academic standards, according to the League of Women Voters of Florida after a year-long study of charter schools in 28 Florida counties.

"Charter schools could fill a niche in Florida's educational spectrum, but for many, their biggest contribution may be to corporate bottom lines," said Deirdre Macnab, President of the League of Women Voters of Florida.

With over 576 charter schools in the state, the League of Women Voters of Florida conducted a study in order to better understand the oversight, management, accountability and transparency of charter and private schools in Florida.

The study found that:

Approximately one-third of charters are run by for-profit management companies. Many screen students, then drop those who are not successful, which public schools are prohibited from doing. Charters also serve particular socio-economic groups, increasing segregation in schools.

Although charters tend to be smaller than traditional schools, there is no consistent difference in achievement for charter school and public school students.

Many charters blur the distinction between religious and non-secular schools. Some churches receive as much as a million dollars in lease payments annually for their facilities from charter schools.

In areas with declining enrollments, neither the charters nor regular public schools are large enough to adequately provide support for staff like nurses or counselors. Retaining teachers is also a problem; most charters offer lower salaries and benefits than public schools.

The League's study produced several recommendations:

Charters should be limited to those that fill unmet needs in identified local school districts.

Stronger local management oversight and disclosure policies are needed.

Financial mismanagement issues must be addressed, as too often the privatization of schools leads to financial abuse.

For more information, including further findings and recommendations, please see the state-wide study, along with the individual studies conducted by eighteen local Leagues across Florida.

The League of Women Voters of Florida, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. For more information, please visit the League's website at: http://www.TheFloridaVoter.org.


Conflict of Interest Concerns

Senator John Legg Chair of Senate Education Committee is co-founder and business administrator of Daysprings Academy in Port Richey.

Senator Kelli Stargel from Orange County is on board of McKeel Academies. She is on the Education Committee and sponsored the Parent Trigger Bill.

House Budget Chairman Seth McKeel is on the board of McKeel Academy Schools in Polk County.

Anne Corcoran, wife of future House Speaker Richard Corcoran has a charter school in Pasco County. Richard Corcoran is Chair of the House Appropriations Committee.

Senator Anitere Flores …

May 16, 2014

Pro LGBT Businesses Request AFA to Retract 'Reckless' Statements

By HaleyFerretti

Three Mississippi businesses that are participating in the If You're Buying, We're Selling sticker campaign are currently demanding that the American Family Association retract statements that accused them of discriminating against Christians. The three businesses include The Golden Growler, The Keg and Barrel, and La Finestra.

The AFA issued a news release on its website Monday that stated:

"Ironically, this sticker represents the very promotion of discrimination…against freedom of religious convictions. Businesses that display this sticker believe Christians should be forced, by law, to embrace homosexuality and deny their faith in personal business practices."

The entire news release can be read on the AFA's website: http://action.afa.net/item.aspx?id=2147545307.

Attorney Alexander Ignatiev of Hattiesburg, who represents the three businesses, issued the following statements in a cease and desist letter to AFA President Timony Wildmon on Wednesday:

"These statements are defamatory and actionable per se under the laws of the State of Mississippi, because they accuse my clients of unlawfully discriminating against persons in violating of the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1965, a felony . . . subjecting my clients to a penalty of up to ten years in prison. They are also materially false, and provably so, in connection with my clients, The Golden Growler, The Keg and Barrel, and La Finestra. These statements have been published with actual malice, which means that they have been published with reckless disregard for truthfulness, or with actual knowledge of their falsity, which removes any First Amendment protection from those statements."

Ignatiev is demanding that AFA remove the "materially false, reckless, unprotected statements" from the release within 7 days.

May 14, 2014

Crisler Looking to Follow in Yarber’s Footsteps

By HaleyFerretti

Rashad Crisler made his official announcement that he is running for Mayor Tony Yarber’s previous position, Ward 6 city councilman, this morning at a press conference outside City Hall.

Crisler said that he is enthusiastic about the prospect of being a part of a young, progressive leadership movement, which he believes was set into motion with Mayor Yarber’s initial election to council in 2009.

“He was only two years older than I am today when he earned the Ward 6 citizens’ trust to lead our community out of the brink of despair,” Crisler said. “I have known Mayor Yarber for many years and admired his leadership as our city councilman. I appreciate the example he has set and I am now prepared to take Ward 6 to the next level.”

It is well known that Crisler’s father, Marshand Crisler, was a big supporter of Yarber’s bids for both city councilman in 2009, and recently, as mayor; hence Rashaad Crisler sees a direct correlation between his bid for the Ward 6 seat and the efforts of Mayor Yarber and the elder Crisler during their respective tenures as city councilmen. http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/weblogs/politics-blog/2014/may/13/after-speculation-crisler-no-not-that-one-announce/

Addressing the ward’s current needs, Crisler said that infrastructure would be his top priority since it is the weakest aspect of the ward. However, he feels that space is the ward’s greatest advantage and will allow for more businesses to move into the area. He also expressed interest in working to decrease crime in the area to make the area more appealing to business.

He admitted that he would like to address problems with council that he saw when his father held the seat previously, expressing a desire to work with the rest of city council to ensure success for the city as a whole.

“I’ve seen in the past, watching my father when he was in this seat, all the problems with communication between city council members, fighting and bickering over issues,” Crisler said.

“I want to bring the council members together, all on one accord, to get a plan done to present to the mayor so he can execute it.”


May 13, 2014

Wayne Lewis Enters into Ward 6 City Council Election

By HaleyFerretti

Wayne Lewis, a Jackson native and longtime resident of Ward 6, called the Jackson Free Press office today to announce that he is entering into the election for the Ward 6 City Council seat. He also emailed the following verbatim biography:

A native of Jackson, MS. Wayne L Lewis was born and raised in the Shady Oaks Subdivision. He has lived in Ward 6 for the past 19 years. A product of the Jackson Public Schools, Lewis received his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from Mississippi College in Clinton, MS and a MBA from Millsaps College Else School of Management.

He has served in various leadership roles in the faith based community impacting the lives of families while serving the public as a Jackson Police Office for many years. He is currently employed at Eaton Aero- Space with 17 years of service. He is the Founder of Rhema Word Ministries where he serves as Senior Pastor, and uses this ministry to give back to the community and youth around the city by sponsoring youth initiative programs, including sporting events in Ward 6, where he volunteers to serve as Coach, mentor and counselor for Little League Baseball teams.

Lewis has a wealth of leadership experience from the manufacturing industry and faith based arenas. He has a passion for the youth of the community and gives of himself to take an active role to impact their lives, where he will continue to serve his community as a servant of the people. Wayne Lewis is well connected to Ward 6 where he and his wife, Roberta Lewis are raising two boys.

• Former JPD Officer • Lived in Ward 6 for 19 years • Pastor / Teacher • Wayne Lewis, BSBA, MBA

May 8, 2014

HRC President to Launch Tour Through Miss. for Project One America

By HaleyFerretti

The Human Rights Campaign has just issued the following verbatim new release detailing HRC President Chad Griffin's tour schedule for Project One America next week:

Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin will Launch ‘Project One America’ at Events in Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas, Beginning an Unprecedented Push for LGBT Rights in the South Griffin is also available for satellite television interviews from Little Rock, AR on Monday, May 12 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM (CT)

Washington, D.C. — Next week, Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Chad Griffin will travel to Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas to officially launch Project One America, an unprecedented effort to dramatically expand LGBT equality in the South. This substantial and lasting initiative—with a three year budget of $8.5 million, dedicated staff of 20, and new offices in each state—is the largest coordinated campaign for LGBT equality in the history of the South.

On Monday, May 12th, Griffin will kick-off a three-day tour of press conferences and community gatherings in Little Rock, Jackson, Hattiesburg, Montgomery, and Birmingham. He will be joined by local officials, business leaders, clergy members, and members of the LGBT community at each stop along the way.

Griffin will also be available for television interviews via satellite on Monday, May 12, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (CT). Please email Nick Morrow at [email protected] and Emily Black at [email protected] to book an interview and receive satellite coordinates.

Download Project One America’s launch video package here, and click here for a high-res Project One America graphic.

Project One America will focus on making progress on three fronts—changing hearts and minds, advancing enduring legal protections, and building more inclusive institutions for LGBT people from the church pew to the workplace. HRC Mississippi, HRC Alabama, and HRC Arkansas will be anchored by full-time local staff and dedicated in-state office space to guarantee a round-the-clock effort. These states have been under-resourced for too long and HRC is making a long-term investment to advance LGBT equality. The program will continue until there is One America.

The first initiative of its kind in the south, Project One America will work to advance equality in areas that do not have existing non-discrimination protections for LGBT people at the state or local level in employment, housing or public accommodations, and where the state’s constitution expressly prohibits marriage equality.

For further information on Project One America, see HRC’s press release and fact sheet.

The full schedule for the Project One America Tour is below. Please RSVP to [email protected] and [email protected] so that we may ensure the necessary space and logistical arrangements are made.



11:00AM – 12:00PM (CT)

WHAT: Press Conference to Kick Off Project One America in Arkansas

WHERE: State Capitol, Old Supreme Court Chamber

 500 Woodlane Drive, Little Rock, AR 72201 

WHO: HRC President Chad Griffin; Betty and Butch Hightower, mother and stepfather

of Chad Griffin; Sen. Joyce Elliott; Rev. Leroy James, Christian Ministerial Alliance; Rita Sklar, …

May 5, 2014 | 8 comments

Election for Ward 6 Council Seat Set for June 17

By HaleyFerretti

Jackson City Council met today to announce that an election for the Ward 6 City Council seat, which was made available by Tony Yarber's election to mayor, will be held June 17, 2014. The qualifying deadline for the election is May 28.

Both Tyrone Hendrix, a longtime Democratic operative, and Robert Amos, who competed in the 2013 Democratic primary for Jackson mayor, have both confirmed that they are considering running for the Ward 6 position: http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2014/may/01/hendrix-amos-among-ward-6-possibles/.

Hendrix helped manage Jonathan Lee's campaign for mayor in 2013 and worked with Regina Quinn during the recent special election for mayor. Amos ran for mayor of Jackson in 2009 and for a seat on the Hinds County Board of Supervisors in 2011.

A runoff election, should it be in order, is set for July 1.

April 29, 2014

Greenville Becomes Fifth City in State to Pass LGBT Resolution

By HaleyFerretti

The Greenville City Council met and passed an LGBT-inclusive resolution today, making it the fifth city in the state to pass a resolution of this kind.

Councilman Errick D. Simmons drafted the resolution and presented it at a special meeting, where it passed 6-0.

"Discrimination in any form has no place in our society. In light of recent alleged remarks made my Donald Sterling, owner of the L.A. Clippers and the wave of efforts to treat classes and/or groups of people differently in our nation, it is only appropriate that City of Greenville adopts a public policy of equality, fairness, and nondiscrimination for all," Simmons stated in a press release.

He is the brother of Sen. Derrick Simmons who strongly opposed SB 2681, the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act, before its passing. Derrick paralleled the bill to Jim Crow legislation and encouraged the House to vote against it.

"If you have never been discriminated against, you don't know how that feels. If you have never been discriminated against, you don't know how to feel discrimination. I urge you to vote against this bill because it legalizes discrimination," Derrick said on the House floor.

Greenville follows Magnolia, in Pike County near McComb, which passed a LGBT resolution just last week: http://jacksonfreepress.com/news/2014/apr/22/magnolia-miss-passes-pro-lgbt-resolution-pike-coun/

April 22, 2014

Post-Runoff Election Parties

By HaleyFerretti

Candidates will be hosting post-election parties after the runoff election today.

April 8, 2014

Candidate Post-Election Parties

By HaleyFerretti

Candidates running in Jackson's Special Election today are hosting election watch parties this evening. Information for the individual events is listed below.

John Horhn Election Watch Party 7:30 p.m. Central City Complex 609 Woodrow Wilson Ave. Food and refreshments will be provided.

Harvey Johnson Pre-Election Tailgate -- Fish Fry and concert 4-8 p.m. Smith-Wills Stadium Lakeland Drive

Chokwe Antar Lumumba 7 p.m. Jackson State eCenter 1230 Raymond Rd.

Tony Yarber Classics Bar and Lounge 5571 Robinson Rd Ext.

Margaret Barrett-Simon Her home 1322 Hazel St.

Regina Quinn 7:30 p.m. Lakeover Center 6531 Dogwood View Parkway

Melvin Priester Priester Law Firm 5375 Executive Place