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March 31, 2016

Here are (some of) the Groups, Organizations, People Opposing House Bill 1523

By adreher

The Senate passed House Bill 1523 on March 30, which would allow certain elected officials, businesses and religious organizations to not offer services based on their religious belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. Although the bill's proponents say it protects individuals from government discrimination, its critics say the bill actually allows discrimination based on religious belief. Read about the full debate here.

Below is a list of organizations that oppose House Bill 1523:

Mississippi Economic Council, the state's Chamber of Commerce

The Mississippi Economic Council has updated its overall policy on diversity and opposes HB1523. Full statement below:

“As the State Chamber of Commerce for a state that has proven its hospitable and business-friendly approach, MEC opposes efforts that would intentionally or unintentionally prevent Mississippi businesses from implementing and enforcing non-discrimination policies or that would limit diversity and inclusion impacting their customers and employees. HB 1523 conflicts with this policy."

IBM "IBM is disappointed by the Mississippi legislature's passage of H.B. 1523, because we believe this legislation with permit discrimination against people based on their marriage status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.

"IBM encourages Governor Bryant not to approve H.B 1523, and will continue to support passage by Congress of the Equality Act, which would provide federal non-discrimination protection to all Americans."


"AT&T supports our freedom of speech and religion just as vigorously as we oppose discrimination. Legislation that permits discrimination against any of our employees or customers conflicts with our core values. Our position on discrimination is simple; we oppose it."

Levi Strauss & Co. "We believe that treating all people equally and fairly is good for business, and discrimination has no place anywhere. #NoOnHB1523"

Mass Mutual Tweet: "Diversity is a core value @massmutual. We encourage Gov. @PhilBryantMS to keep MS open for business and veto #HB1523."

Lance Bass Tweet: "An anti-LGBT bill in Mississippi is dangerously close to becoming law. Take action with me & @HRC to say #NoOnHB1523 hrc.org/Mississippi"

Statement: "Mississippi is my home—I was born there and grew up there. My husband Michael and I frequently travel back to Laurel to spend time with family. However, the state we know and love is under attack by hateful lawmakers who want to legalize discrimination. If they have their way, on our next visit, Michael and I could be kicked out of a hotel or refused emergency shelter in a storm just because of who we are. That does not sound like the Hospitality State. We are better than this bill, and I urge my fellow Mississippians to join me in calling on Governor Bryant to veto HB1523 when it reaches his desk." Read Diana Bass, Lance's mother, testifying to her church about learning that her son was gay: http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2014/apr/30/diane-bass-testimony-her-church/

ACLU of Mississippi

Executive director of the ACLU of Mississippi Jennifer Riley-Collins released this statement today:

"The ACLU of Mississippi is deeply disturbed that the Mississippi State Senate passed …

October 22, 2015

108 Mississippi United Methodist Pastors Endorse Initiative 42

By adreher

108 Mississippi United Methodist pastors have released an open letter endorsing Initiative 42. The letter states that each signing pastor's position on the upcoming ballot initiative stems from John Wesley's passion for meeting educational needs even in 18th century England and Jesus' command to let the "little children come to me." Bruce Case, head pastor at Parkway Hills Methodist Church, helped craft the letter and send it out to pastors throughout the state. Pastors were invited to respond and sign their name to the letter, and it took Case less than a day to collect over 100 signatures. Case said they could have collected more signatures, but wanted to get the letter out due to timing.

The full letter has been produced verbatim below:

A Letter from 108 Mississippi United Methodist Pastors:

As Mississippi United Methodist pastors serving in rural areas, county seats, and large towns all across our wonderful state, we are compelled to speak out on behalf of our children and Mississippi public school education.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, was passionate about providing all children access to educational opportunities in 18th Century England. He opened libraries, published reading material for children, and founded schools that served impoverished children. He believed every child—regardless of gender or economic background—deserved the opportunity a quality education provided.

Because we believe that every child in Mississippi has a right to a great education, we will be voting in favor of Initiative 42 when we go to the ballot on November 3. Initiative 42 will require our legislators to follow our state law and fully fund public education based on the MEAP (MAEP) formula. Our Legislature has failed to honor this law nearly every year since its adoption (by our legislature!) in 1997.

We are disappointed that politicians have added 42-A to the ballot. 42-A will confuse thousands of people who are trying to make an informed decision regarding our children’s well being. Please be advised: 42-A is simply a vote for the status quo. What is the status quo?

-Since 2008, the state budget (excluding federal funds) has grown by 35% while K-12 education's portion of the state budget has grown by 2.47%. -MS ranks 47th in per student funding out of 51 (including District of Columbia). -Mississippi ranks last among our neighboring states in per student funding.

The status quo limits our children; it limits our state; it deprives all of us of economic stability.

We can rise above the status quo! We can begin to work together to ensure every community in our state has a school with high-quality facilities, full of teachers and students who have all they need to succeed. Initiative 42 will be a much-needed step in the right direction for K-12 education in Mississippi.

We strive to be faithful to Jesus’ high calling in the communities we serve, and we can think of no higher priority in God’s Kingdom than our children. Jesus said: “Let the little children come …