Todd Stauffer is the publisher and co-founder of the Jackson Free Press and BOOM Jackson magazine. In the past, Todd Stauffer has worked as a technical writer and book author, magazine writer and TV/radio host. He grew up in Dallas, Texas, and current resides in Belhaven with Donna Ladd and her cats. He attended Texas A&M University.
Recent Commentary

Publisher’s Note: Jackson Free Press to Suspend Printing, Boost Online Presence
We have big news from the world of the Jackson Free Press. Much of it is positive, and some of it is simply inevitable in the face of COVID-19 and …

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: On Hope, Travel and Award-Winning Journalism Teams
"Here on the first anniversary of the old flag coming down, driving Mississippi reminds you of all of the integration work that white Mississippians have yet even to attempt. Taking …

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Jackson’s Water Crisis, What Would Ditto Do?
While Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann often presents himself, rightly, as the Mississippi GOP's adult in the room, his reaction to Jackson's water woes this week leaves a bad taste.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Celebrating the Best, Pandemic Style
We published our first ever Best of Jackson issue in January 2003, right after we'd launched the Jackson Free Press in the fall of 2002. Nearly two decades later, a …

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Big Changes for Jackson Free Press in January 2021
Along with changes on the national level, I've got several changes to report on the local JFP front, effective with this issue.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Gov. Reeves, Denial Ain’t a River in Mississippi
"Gov. Tate Reeves has done precisely the wrong things to quell this virus. He could have led his party and supporters in Mississippi instead of sheepishly kowtowing to the extremists."

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: A Mask Mandate is Support for Small Business
We've heard it over and over again. Masks are the best defense against the spread of the virus. They're about helping other people as much as about helping yourself, especially …

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The Secret to JFP’s Longevity? You Just Don’t Quit
The truth is, running a media company is always tough when your primary goal is to tell the truth—and not just please or appease the powerful.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Gov. Reeves, Stop the Insanity
Gov. Reeves knew the threat to Mississippi hospitals when he implemented one of the most liberal reopening plans of any U.S. state in late May. As with Florida and Texas, …

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Safety Net ‘Designed to Fail’ in Good Times Failing Big Now
It's telling that, as part of his executive orders during this crisis, Gov. Tate Reeves suspended several rules regarding application for and receipt of unemployment benefits. Why did they exist?
Recent Stories

JFP Up to 11 Wins in the 2021 SPJ Diamond Journalism, Green Eyeshade Contests
The Jackson Free Press has won 11 awards to date for 2020 journalism during the pandemic—from two Society of Professional Journalists contests.

July 25: Mississippi COVID-19 Infections Average 1,322 Per Day
Friday's 1,434 new cases recorded by the Mississippi State Department of Health, or MSDH, brings the seven-day average to 1,322 positive tests per day, up from 918 average daily cases …

Mississippi's COVID-19 Infections Averaging 918 Cases Per Day
In the past week, Mississippi has gone from a total of 35,419 reported people infected with COVID-19 to Friday's total of 41,846 people testing positive since counting began. That's 6,427 …

9,500 New Infections in 14 Days, Governor Orders Tighter Restrictions Including Jackson Metro
With 797 Mississippi residents testing positive for COVID-19 on Friday, the state's total stands at 35,419 since testing began. The past two weeks have averaged 680 cases per day, much …

July 4th: COVID-19 Cases Top 30,000, Average at Record 683 Per Day
The total number of COVID-19 cases in Mississippi passed 30,000 on Friday, with that day's total at a near-record 990 of reported newly infected Mississippians. Four people died from complications …

COVID-19 Cases Near Record Day at 914, Hospitalized Patients Remains High
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported that 914 new people tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, the second-highest day since MSDH began reporting numbers in April. More than 1,100 …

Mississippi Changing State Flag As Legislature Passes HB 1796 to Replace It
House Bill 1796 has passed both chambers of the Mississippi Legislature and is headed to Gov. Tate Reeves for signature, which he signaled early Saturday will happen.

COVID-19 Cases Average 557 Per Day, Highest So Far
This past week, the average number of daily new cases of COVID-19 rose to 557 in Mississippi.

June 13: Mississippi Averaging 330 COVID-19 Cases Per Day, a New High
Mississippi this past week reached a new high in the COVID-19 pandemic, averaging 330 new people per day identified as infected with the virus.
At 439 Cases, COVID-19 Hits Another High Just Before 'Safe Return' Kicks In
On Friday, testing confirmed that 439 new people have COVID-19 in the state of Mississippi, the highest one-day total since the Mississippi State Department of Health began reporting test results. …
Blog Entries
- New Restaurant in District @ Eastover: 'Fine and Dandy'
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- Casino-Mogul Trump Going Against the Odds With 'Muslim Ban'
- Millsaps Issues Statement on Trump's Immigration Order
- Roll-Off Dumpster Day on February 4
- JTRAN Buses Shut Down By Weather
- Blues Marathon Traffic Advisories for Jan. 9
- Variety Says Trump to Remain Executive Producer of Celebrity Apprentice
- Welcome Brian Stauffer to Jackson
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- Elizabeth Warren's Message to Supporters
- Boil Water Notice for Eastover Streets
- Board of Trustees Accepts Resignation from President of Jackson State University
- City Announces Sewer Line Repair on Woodrow Wilson
- Watch Marvel's Doctor Strange Premiere Live
- Mississippi Craft Brewers and Mississippi Beer Distributors Agree on On-Premises Sales Bill
- Town Hall with Dr. Kai Smith
- Jackson Launching New Water Bill Portal Aug 1
- Verbatim Statement by Attorney General Jim Hood on HB 1523
- Supreme Court Upholds Race-Aware Admissions
- JFP Wins 'Best in Division' in 66th Annual Green Eyeshade Awards
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- Holder: Texas Voter ID is a 'Poll Tax' 1 comment
- Finally... A Fish-Shaped Cat Litter Box 1 comment
- Rick Perry Set to Refuse 'Obamacare' in Texas 1 comment
- Did Jackson's Population Actually Grow in 2011? 3 comments
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