Daily Newspaper Endorsements: Kerry Leads So Far | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Daily Newspaper Endorsements: Kerry Leads So Far

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Editor & Publisher is keeping track of daily newspapers' presidential endorsements. Through today (Oct. 23): "Sen. John Kerry continues to pile up the newspaper endorsements, but in a reversal of past trends it was President Bush who nabbed the larger papers in today's update of E&P's exclusive tally. While only adding four papers to his total, Bush did win the backing of two big papers. [...] Kerry now leads 48-34 in the number of papers that back him. In our updated chart below, we find that Kerry now leads Bush in the circulation of papers backing him by almost 2-1, but just a few days ago the incumbent trailed 5-1 in that category. Kerry's papers have 8.9 million readers while Bush's clock in at 4.7 million, so far."

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