Planet Weekly: Harvey Vs. Frank: Two Views | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Planet Weekly: Harvey Vs. Frank: Two Views

Jen Barker writes at the Planet Weekly:

I believe that Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr. and his chief opponent in the upcoming mayoral election, Frank Melton, may agree on a few things regarding the leadership of a city; one of them is that, as Melton's website states, "Nothing is more important to a city than the safety and well being of its citizens." Mayor Johnson has consistently shown that he understands what needs to occur to continue building a safer, happier, and more prosperous Jackson - then he acts on it.

Mayor Johnson's actions may not seem swift, but they are deliberate and well researched. He is "arguably the most qualified and educated mayor the city has had when it comes to public policy," according to Clarion Ledger Editorial Director, David Hampton. Hampton went on to say, "Give him a problem, he will cite a list of pluses and minuses and give you a plan. It won't be flashy and it won't be fast, but it will be imminently competent."

So, how will Mayor Johnson use his qualifications, experience and personal desire to make a safer, happier and more prosperous Jackson?

Full column here.

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