Memphis Flyer: Handicapping Plame Game | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Memphis Flyer: Handicapping Plame Game

The Flyer takes a look at the Plame situation and "handicaps" the odds of the various types of indictments that could come as early as next week from the grand jury that expires on 10/28/05 and is looking into the case. The Gadfly columnist (in a very Archie Goodwin sort of way) stacks up the "odds" that a particular type of indictment will be brought in the case, including what amounts to a decent summary of the laws involved and a look at the typical sort of thing that people get indicted for when such as grand jury is seated.

For instance, the Gadfly seems to think that conspiracy charges could surface:

6. Conspiracy: 18 U.S.C. §371 Another catchall, this statute has a rich history (Watergate the most notable forebear in its pedigree). It only requires that two or more people conspire to commit any offense against the U.S., and that one or more of them take action to effect the purpose of the conspiracy. Here, the offense could be one of the previously mentioned national security-related laws, or it could be something broader, like fraud, or something arising from the investigation itself. ODDS: Pretty damn good.

I, myself, am holding out for mail fraud. It could happen.

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