Campaign announcement | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Campaign announcement

This was the announcement made on Thursday, April 19, 2007 officially kicking off the campaign for my re-election to the Mississippi House of Representatives. As an aside, the kickoff party went real well at George Street Grocery, with a little over 50 people in attendance.

I am State Representative Erik R. Fleming and I am announcing my candidacy for re-election to the seat in the Mississippi House of Representatives for District 72. First, I want to thank the citizens of the district and in the state for allowing me the opportunity to be the Democratic nominee for the US Senate in 2006 and for giving me the chance to represent them in the State Capitol for the past nine legislative sessions.

I am seeking re-election because there is work still to be done toward the agenda of empowerment I set forth in January of 1999. I have worked tirelessly to pursue that agenda for all Mississippians, but primarily those in Northeast Clinton, Cynthia, Tinnin, Pocahontas, Pinehaven, Northwest Jackson, Tougaloo College, Lorman-Cavalier, and Southwest Ridgeland.

I have the distinction of annually introducing more legislation than any other member of the House. Through diligence and commitment, I have passed legislation to improve the lives of our citizens, whether it has been restoring the right to vote to several residents or passing the Mississippi Clean Air Act, so that the places your tax dollars pay for are healthy environments for you to do business in.

Through my participation on the Transportation Committee, I have successfully pushed legislation to create a primary seat belt law and to make our railroad crossings safer throughout the state. I have also been successful through my work on the Judiciary B Committee to classify disabled citizens as vulnerable adults for the purpose of enhancing penalties for crimes against them; decreasing the proliferation of “no-tell” motels to reduce the elements of crime in our communities and guaranteeing that drunk drivers, if they are involved in an accident which takes a human life, are not released on their own recognizance.

In nine years, I can take pride in those accomplishments but, as stated before, the work is not complete. People that work overtime still need a tax break, children that are “at-risk” still need their rights toward a quality education protected, and economic development opportunities still need to be open for individuals, communities and the municipalities that comprise District 72.

I humbly ask for your support in the August 7th Democratic Primary to continue the opportunity to serve you at your State Capitol. May God continue to bless you, be with you and keep you in His favor always.

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