Taking a Stand | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Taking a Stand

Roberts Broadcasting Companies recently announced that it is adopting a new policy designed to prohibit language "that promotes and/or exploits any messages considered derogatory, sexually explicit or violent, effective immediately."

The new policy is in response to the recent termination of talk radio host Don Imus because of his racist remarks. African-American leaders from the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to Sen. Barack Obama have taken a stand on offensive language in broadcasting. The Roberts brothers intend to do the same.

"This policy is designed to not only raise awareness about the continuing problem of racism and the oppression of women, but to cause people to stop and evaluate their own personal attitudes and behaviors," said Michael V. Roberts, chairman and CEO of Roberts Broadcasting Company.

"We take tremendous pride in being African American and refuse to let anyone, white or black, strip us of that pride. We call on our audience to join us in our fight against oppression," said Steven Roberts, president and COO of the Roberts Broadcasting Company.

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