Brad Pitt Fronts ‘Make It Right' NOLA | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Brad Pitt Fronts ‘Make It Right' NOLA

Cool site features designs and information about the Make It Right (MIR) project for New Orleans. Architects were tasked with the goal of making low-income housing for the 9th Ward; the designs can't cost more than $150,000 to build (supposedly the foundation will help with financing to make $150k "affordable" in NOLA), have to include a porch, 3 bedrooms, modern green technology and most of the designs are made to withstand another storm (or otherwise ride it out, like one house that floats). The project is fronted by Brad Pitt, who donated $5 million and has been raising money and awareness for it.

Dig some of that architect clipart they must have for people and cars. Oh...and everybody gets mod mid-century furniture, too, apparently. ;-)

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And the houses have to be between 3 and 5 feet off the ground. In this area of NO the water level rose to roof level in 20 minutes. The 5 feet isn't going to save your house but it is going to buy you some much needed time.


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