Ledger Publishes Old News on Michael Taylor | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Ledger Publishes Old News on Michael Taylor

Oddly, The Clarion-Ledger today published a news story about Frank Melton's young friend, Michael Taylor, pointing out that new D.A. Robert Smith will have a conflict prosecuting him. This is really old news, folks. We've been telling everyone since before the election that Smith was going to have a conflict prosecuting Taylor, whom he had represented, and others. Also, it's not news that he is in the Hinds County Detention Center. I saw this story because this blog posting by Chris Joyner popped up in a Google news search on Melton: Where in the world is Michael Taylor?. My first thought was "in jail, of course; didn't they know that!?!" It's also intriguing that Chris doesn't mention that he is hawking the story by his own wife, Kathleen Baydala, which is fine but bears a mention.

To see all the JFP's stories on Michael Taylor, click here.

I tell you: These Ledger people need to stop tailgating us. They're making me nervous.

Previous Comments


I like this part: Reporter Kathleen Baydala used court records, jail logs and other documents — as well as interviews with the people in charge Why didn't she just ask the sheriff or someone in the D.A.'s office? Might have saved her time. Does anyone else get the feeling that the Ledger is putting a lot of effort into posing this week? They're either doing real enterprise reporting or they're not. They can't make it up.


I hope some supporters see that Melton is willing to shell out money to find good legal help for his 'ward' Michael Taylor. For your child who may be in trouble... Not so much...


When challenged about why they didn't just ask the sheriff, Joyner said on his blog: Perhaps I spoke loosely. We assumed he still was in jail, but his progress through the justice system was the question. Given the various political and legal issues involved, the documents were a better source than any official. Uh, right. Then why not PDF the documents or give us something interesting stated in them? This was a boondoggle. Reporter writes way-belated story saying Taylor is still in jail and the new D.A. might have to recuse—doh—and her husband tries to make it sound like enterprise reporting on his blog. Surely, surely they can find something better to report with their time?


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