Developing a Wellness Habit | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Developing a Wellness Habit

They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, and that's been my wellness goal since returning from vacation -- I want to develop the habit of getting to the gym everyday and doing at least 30 minutes of exercise, whatever it is. So far I'm mostly spending time on the elliptical (that's where the TV is, after all) but even that feels like a nice accomplishment -- 3-4 miles of workout that doesn't get me so sore that I'm not up for going back the next day.

So how's it working? So far I'm batting a little better than 50% -- starting last week, I got there Sunday, Monday, Tuesday... Sunday and then again Monday. We tend to be busier with events on weekday evenings as the week wears on, and interruptions last week included a final on-site meeting for the BOOM party on Wednesday, the actual BOOM party on Thursday (during which one could argue I got some heavy lifting done on water bottles, tubs and bags of ice and a variety of other tasks), general exhaustion on Friday and sheer laziness on Saturday.

Now, I'm back in the swing of things for two days in a row (went Sunday and Monday) and trying to navigate getting the paper to press tonight (Tuesday) attending an evening reception I was just told about this morning (ahem) and still making it to the gym this evening. We'll see. I look forward to developing the habit, though -- for me, just getting there is half the battle!

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