Getting Into Workflowy | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Getting Into Workflowy

I am loving right now, the oddly named, completely free outlining tool that will surprise you. Its simplicity is deceiving. It's sort of like a wiki meets the outlining tool in Word, but if you're anything like me, you may find you get hooked on Workflowy as a straightforward—dare I say, lazy?—solution to effectively handle your tasks, projects, even your assignments back and forth with co-workers and employees.

Workflowy is based on multi-level outlines, where each sub-item can become its own outline, and each outline can become its own page, which you can then print, share with others, mark items "complete" and so on.

Workflowy reformats for phones and tablets, but there's still some work to be done, particularly on collaboration and sharing tools.

Still, I suggest you spend a minute or two with the intro video on their site—you may find yourself as hooked as I am!

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