Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid

Great story in the Nation by Thomas Geoghegan, called What Would Keynes Do? outlines a problem in the U.S. economy that not enough people -- either conservatives or liberals or …


Diet Soda for Dudes

I can just imagine the creative thought process that spawned this campaign.

Dr. Pepper has a new ad campaign to convince "manly men" to drink more diet soda.


Homeless Man Found Dead in Fondren

Police discovered the body of a homeless man this morning in Fondren behind the Yana Club on Hartfield Street.


Dedmon Indicted by Grand Jury

On Monday, a Grand Jury indicted Deryl Dedmon on capital murder charges for the murder of James Craig Anderson.


Yes on 26 Launches Fake Website

The campaign working in support of the Personhood Amendment has launched a fake website to attack the Political Action Committee working against the ballot measure that would redefine the word …


Joe McGinniss' Book on Sarah Palin: Truth or Tall Tales?

McGinniss' book "Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin" comes out Sept. 20, and the claims he makes in the book are raising eyebrows - and tempers - according to …


Let Him Die?

In the last televised Republican presidential debate on CNN, moderator Wolf Blitzer asks the candidates what should be done if a man without health insurance is seriously injured and cannot …


WAPT's Fondren T-Shirt ‘Controversy'

WAPT aired an interesting piece yesterday, which implied that Swell-O-Phonic's T-shirts are causing controversy. The piece highlights the T-shirt slogans such as "Brandon, We Ain't Pearl Dammit," and "Don't make …


Tired of empty strip malls? Me too.

Last week I spent some time learning about the Mississippi Development Authority's new plan to revitalize old, ugly strip malls, called the Retail Center Revitalization Program. (Read more here or …


JFP is Turning 9—What's Your Favorite JFP Memory?

I'll include a couple to get us going:

We need your help, JFP Nation. Our 9th birthday issue publishes this week, and we want to include favorite JFP-related moments (funny or serious) from staffers, readers, freelancers, etc. Please …


American Jobs Act: Why Obama is Right and Wicker Is Wrong

Make no mistake: The American Jobs Act introduced by President Obama last night in a fiery speech last night in Congress is one thing -- stimulus. It's exactly what we …


JFP Radio @ Noon: Gubernatorial Candidate Johnny DuPree and JFP Sports

Update: The podcast has been posted at JFPRadio.com; interview with DuPree is at the top of the hour.


Johnny Dupree's Win and ‘Redneck-Blackneck Politics of the Deep South'

In a new piece on Salon.com, writer Steve Kornacki argues that Democrats are pretty washed up in the Deep South, Johnny Dupree's historic victory notwithstanding. He writes:


End of Times Movement Influencing Politics?

I only heard bits and pieces of NPR's "Fresh Air" episode this week but it brought up some interesting thoughts, especially after I noticed a flurry of Facebook post on …


Rankin County Paper Snubbing Dems?

If you are a Rankin County resident and read the Rankin County News or the Rankin Leader, you might not be aware that Johnny DuPree and Bill Luckett face each …