Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Rick Perry Wishes You Happy Holidays

Rick Perry, please shut up.


"Newt Gingrich is the Kim Kardashian of the GOP"

Evangelical explains why Gingrich doesn't deserve your vote via this YouTube clip.


Child Abuse, Bad Diets Lead to Brain Issues Lead to Crime?

It's kind of one of those scientific findings that ought to be obvious, but here it is: Children who are physically and emotionally abused often become violent criminals. In the …


LA Times: Cancer Victim Apologizes to Obama

Am I the biggest fan of Health Care Reform? No... I think a number of additional steps, like the public option, could have been taken to make this a more …


Guns: A Public Health Issue?

It's difficult to have a serious conversation about the prevalence of guns in American society because it's one of those issues where so many people are strident one way or …


Archie Manning Talks Ole Miss: Nutt to Freeze

The University of Mississippi has released this video of Archie Manning, Ole Miss alum and former football great, who co-chaired their search committee for a head coach to replace Houston …


Repub Govs: Fear Occupy, Divert Attention from Middle Class to Win

At a Republican governors meeting this week, GOP partisans were warned to keep the subject away from the middle class in the upcoming presidential election—or President Obama will win.


Our Anti-tax Governor Just Endorsed Online Sales Tax

I can't say I disagree with this: The Hill is reporting that Haley Barbour endorsed it in a letter to lawmakers today, urging them to close a loophole that lets …


Ouch: Barbour's Advisers Were Embarrassed to Show Him What They'd Dug Up

Imagine being all set to run for president, and your advisers have dug up so much "opposition" dirt on you that they don't have the courage to present it to …

Frank Melton

Where's Melton's portrait?

Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. appears to be taking his time in hanging a portrait of his predecessor up in City Hall. Part of the delay, however, stems from the fact …


Former Gov. Waller Dies

Former Gov. Bill Waller has died.

Former Gov. Bill Waller has died.


Please help this family in need

Photographer Christina Cannon send this email around today; please do what you can. Her verbatim email follows:


Arbor Day, brought to you by Toyota

Gov. Haley Barbour announces Toyota Arbor Day.


My Advice to James ‘Kingfish' Hendrix

I woke up this morning very concerned about a particular race that appears on some area ballots. No, it's not Personhood, voter ID or the governor's race, although I'm very …


Ben Stein Makes Sense: ‘Raise Taxes'

And it was there that I saw something I least expected: common sense.

An exchange here on the site lead me to do something I don't any more often than I absolutely have to... I launched Newsmax.com, the swelteringly conservative website and magazine …