Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Hey from Portland!

I'm sitting here in my Portland, Ore., hotel room kinda bummed that I have to leave so soon. I've been here since Friday for AAN's national board meeting. We're having …


In the U.S. Senate Race, Vote Against Everybody

California is currently considering Proposition 85, a bill that would require any teenage girl living in an abusive household to confront her abusive parents before having an abortion--even if her …


The Saints are Coming

Q: What happens when U2 and Green Day get together and do a video to help fund the rebuilding of New Orleans? A: I don't know. I'm speechless.


"Vote for Me, I'm White"

Watch this TV ad for U.S. Senate candidate Bob Corker very carefully. The pattern is very simple--each of the actors says something about Corker's (black) opponent, Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN), …


Why You Should Love Moby

This is his new single titled "New York, New York"--brilliant, brilliant stuff. Vocals by Debbie Harry (aka Blondie):


Psychiatric Service Dogs

I put off blogging about this for a couple of months, so I think now is a good time to discuss it. I originally heard about this when I caught …


My Civil Liberties Site

As many of y'all know, I'm the About.com Guide to Civil Liberties. So you might be asking yourself: What kind of stuff have I been writing lately? Well, right now …


A Course with No Name

"It's never been a 'stay the course' strategy..." -- President George W. Bush, several days ago.


Stunningly Effective Stem Cell Ad

This left me speechless. Brilliant, brilliant stuff.


Fire Donald Rumsfeld, for Starters

A New York Times editorial today takes on the sticky issue of what the Bush administration should do to start cleaning up the horrendous mess it's made in Iraq:


A Truly Racially Diverse America Ahead

Now that the nation officially numbers more than 300 million, what next?

The Associated Press has an intriguing story about what America will look like when we hit 400 million people, which is projected to happen in fewer than 40 years. White …


Under the Tusken Sun

According to independent Tattooine scholar Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sand People walk single file to hide their numbers. But if we examine this claim in light of the old "Footprints" devotional story, …


The GOP Blame Game Begins Early

The New York Times is reporting that, even before the November elections, Republicans are starting to point fingers at other Republicans to explain why they think they are going to …


Why So Few Female Bloggers and Opinion Writers?

I'm doing research to use in my first-ever opinion-writing seminar, and I ran across this piece about the dearth of women opinion writers and bloggers—and white maledom that dominates so …