Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Truly Outrageous, Indeed

Q: What do you get when you cross kitschy 1980s cartoon Jem and the Holograms with feminist new wave/punk/electroclash band Le Tigre?


Chromosomal Sabotage

On October 10th, the Rt. Rev. Duncan Gray III, Episcopal Bishop of Mississippi, wrote a pastoral letter to his diocese restating his support for the anti-gay Windsor Report.


Fat Man Walking

If nothing else should prove that we live in "America: Center of Obesity" this report should.

In this AP piece, the cult leader Jeffrey Lunden asks for a stay of execution because he's too fat.


WashPost: ‘What Democrats Would Do'

The news this election cycle seems to be primarily about what Republicans in Congress and the WH are doing wrong...and it keeps cycling against them, from Iraq (10 US troops …


Recess + Playing Tag = Lawsuit?

Playing tag, chase, and other unsupervised contact sports has been banned at a Massachusetts elementary school. I guess the next move will be to pad the world with foam rubber.


Republicans Hurtin' in ... Texas!?!

The Associated Press is reporting that the GOPmay even be in trouble in Texas in this year's around of elections. Let's just say that Delay country has done an about-face.


U.S. AG's Crime Fighting Solution: Study It

According to the AP, U.S. Attorney General Roberto Gonzalez announced that he plans to study an apparent rise in violent crime reported in 2005 over 2004, which itself saw a …


Cuddle Lifeguard On Duty!

D.C. might have found the answer to world peace, the desire for more intimacy and the Hug for Frank's Monkey.


To Be Married Means to Be Outnumbered

The New York Times has a feature story about how married couples are now a minority in the U.S.:


A Correction Forthcoming, Mr. Agnew?

In his "we do community journalism, too; really, we do" column today, Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew makes an interesting statement about his paper's Web site that we believe deserves …


Fun For The Whole Family

This guy has way too much time on his hands.


Palm Details Treo 680

Palm has unveiled the Treo 680, the latest Palm OS-based version of the Treo designed specifically to appeal to a more consumer-focused audience. Available in multiple colors, the Treo 680 …


Predatory Mortgage Lending to Minority Homebuyers

Let's say you want a better life for yourself and your children if you have any. Even though you work two or three jobs to pay the bills and have …


JFP Cyberstalkers/Hackers At It Again

All, after receiving an expletive-filled e-mail from one of our bloggers last week, we have determined that he did not send it. Once again, one of our small group of …


Gettin' Older in San Fran

Todd bought me a new little digital camera for my birthday but, so far, I'm not sure it's really for me. What y'all think?