Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




My Favorite Palin Moment, Yet

This is a truly stupendous moment. Just look at Katie Couric's face as she presses Palin for those examples of McCain's attempts at regulation and then Palin's response:


CNN's Campbell Brown: ‘Sexist' McCain Campaign Must ‘Free Sarah Palin'

This is simply too fabulous for words. CNN's Campbell Brown offers up a stunning take-down to the McCain campaign over their apparently refusal to let Governor Palin hold a press …


The NAMIWalks Fundraiser is back! Help me "Stomp Out The Stigma of Mental Illness" in ‘08

I am writing you today to tell you about an upcoming event that I am participating in that is both very important and very exciting to me. It is NAMIWalks …


McCain Tries to Bar Media From Palin at UN; CNN Rebels

The McCain campaign's efforts to keep Sarah Palin from embarrassing herself in front of the media is reaching ridiculous depths. Today, to their credit, CNN threatened to not show any …


Why Polls Drive Us Crazy

There's a great Alternet story by Joshua Holland that might hit the spot for those of you (us) cringing over small movements in the national polls this election cycle. It …


McCain Campaign Head Paid $2 Million to Stop Mortgage Regulations

The New York Times has the story of the day (of the campaign?):


Obama: 'We Must Also Help Main Street'

Barack Obama wants the government to give attention to families and workers as well as the financial industry. CNN reports:


Naysayers and Non-believers

I am growing very weary of people around this town who are always able to find some way to throw "salt" on those who are trying to make a difference. …


Palin's $50,000 Office Makeover ... into 'Bordello' Red

Salon is reporting that Sarah Palin shocked Wasilla when she spent $50,000 from a city highway fund to re-do her mayoral office:


You've Got to be Kidding

One of my former bosses often quipped that her "need to edit" was a force too strong to resist. Having worked as an editor myself, I have to admit that …


Wall Street Journal: Of Palin's Earmarks and McCain's Lies

Even as John McCain said this week that Palin asked for no earmarks as governor, The Wall Street Journal that she, indeed, asked for $453 million in projects:


Obama Campaign Opportunities

The Jackson Free Press received several e-mails regarding opportunities with the Obama campaign in Mississippi.


Obama Supporters Launch "Watch Oprah" Counter Campaign

In a campaign cycle getting more ridiculous by the moment, Obama supporters are fighting back against the McCain-Palin supporters who are boycotting Oprah because she said she isn't inviting Palin …


New York Times: Mississippi Ballot ‘Cynical Dirty Trick'

A New York Times editorial this morning blasted Gov. Haley Barbour and Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann for their proposed November ballot, which places one of the most important national …


Did we learn anything from 9/11?

I'm not talking about aviation safety or counterterrorism intelligence. I'm talking about the unity that Americans experienced in the aftermath of that terrible day.