Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Associated Press, Factcheck.org Expose McCain's Lies

The current national furor over the lies coming from the McCain-Palin camp reached a ridiculous level today when Factcheck.org had to call the campaign out for distorting the non-partisan's correction …


Equal Voice for America's Families

An employee of the Mississippi Workers' center for Human Rights invited me the attend a convention in Birmingham this past Saturday called Equal Voice for America's Families, which was sponsored …


NPR's Juan Williams Credits JFP During Interview On Seale's Acquittal

During a 5-minute interview with NPR's Renee Montagne this morning, Juan Williams alludes to the Jackson Free Press' award-winning investigation leading up to James Ford Seale's conviction last June. The …


‘Reformer' Palin Billed State for 312 Nights Spent at Home

The Washington Post is reporting that Gov. Sarah Palin and her family haven't been conservative with their expense reports in the year+ she as served as governor of Alaska:


Benefit for Serenity Lane(Child with Luekemia) Tues. Sept 9th 8pm @ Electric Cowboy

You guys know Im all about the kids!

I was asked by friends of the mother of young Serenity Lane to perform at a benefit on her behalf tomorrow. Im appealing to the entire JFP nation to open …


10,000 Protesters Barely Make the News

In 2008 at the St. Paul Republican Convention, police arrested 818 protesters, which was less than half of the number arrested at their 2004 convention. Minneapolis had more than 3,700 …


Are Obama and McCain ‘Virtually Tied'?

I saw this notion pop up in another thread here on the JFP site and I thought it was worth a little more examination. (With apologies to Donna, this is …


84,000 Jobs Slashed in August

August Unemployment At Five-Year High

NPR reported this morning on last month's unemployment figures and updated numbers for June and July. Verbatim from their Web site:


Grand White Party

Saddest of all is that the Republican Party has essentially made no strides on race issues, as was in shocking evidence last night as Sarah Palin, Rudy Guiliani and Mitt …


Why Is Sarah Palin Sneering So Much?

Quite frankly, I'm shocked. I expected a speech from Palin that would make Americans who'd never heard of her last Friday *like* her. She's just sneering over and over agaon. …


Palin's Alaska: Funded by Oil Profits Tax

If Sarah Palin gets past this press cycle and remains the Vice Presidential nominee on the GOP ticket, there might be one interesting item from her brief tenure as governor …


Is Palin a ‘Reformer'?

Word is that Sarah Palin's speech tonight will focus on being "a reformer." Thoughts?

(No sex-pregnancy-abortion scandal talk on this thread, please. I'm trying to break them up to make conversation talk easier.)


WAIT: Isn't It ‘Sexist' to Criticize Female Reporters!?!

It's call-the-messenger-sexist time. After keeping embattled running mate Sarah Palin under wraps since Monday, and canceling a CNN interview due to Campbell Brown asking about Palin's foreign policy expertise, McCain …


"Voice of God" Don LaFontaine, Dead at Age 68

The movie-trailer king, Don LaFontaine, was a voiceover artist known for his baritone voice and the phrase, "In a world..." From the LA Times:


Bristol Palin, Unmarried and 17, Is Pregnant

The drama is coming fast and furious from the abstinence-only McCain-Palin campaign today. The Washington Post is reporting: