Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Where Did Ledger Edit-Boyz Get THIS Information?

In a January 2004 editorial defending Haley Barbour's "blind trust" in his lobbying firm, The Clarion-Ledger editorial board declared that it was hunky-dory because he no longer owned stock in …


Listen to Todd and Donna on Radio JFP TODAY at Noon

[http://www.wlezfm.com/podcasts/jfp8_31_07.mp3]JFP on WLEZ 8/31/07 (mp3, 26.8MB)

We'll be talking about the recent flurry investigative stories about Haley Barbour, as well as the D.A.'s election and Mayor Melton's hiring of felons to work in city government. Tune …


Barbour Redirecting Katrina Funds to the Wealthy?

Salon is reporting that Gov. Haley Barbour has gotten HUD waivers that have redirected 80 percent of federal block grants awarded to help Mississippi's low- and moderate-income residents recover from …


The Truth About Barbour's ‘Blind Trust'

Bloomberg News is still hot on Barbour's trail. Today, they reveal much more about his so-called "blind trust" in the lobbying firm that lobbied the state for Katrina-related contracts—it pays …


Why today?

Coincidentally, by the way, Mayor Frank Melton was seen leaving Judge Yerger's chambers this week.

This is a serious question. Why did Supreme Court Chief Justice James Smith Jr. today appoint a special judge, directly by Judge Swan Yerger, to help the D.A.'s office prosecute …


Smith Supporters Vandalize JFP Racks

OK, Robert Smith told me repeatedly that he is not "Melton's candidate," but some overnight actions are not exactly helping convince me. This morning, we found an "Elect Robert Shuler …


Race, Ethnicity and Immigration

In one of my favorite quotes from "Mal Tiempo, Buenas Caras," my piece on Latino immigrants and Hurricane Katrina, Guadalupe Silva, an undocumented laborer from Peru, said, "I know that …


Clarion-Ledger Endorses Faye Peterson

A hat tip to The Clarion-Ledger for endorsing Faye Peterson, and for substantive, real reasons. They were late on the D.A. race—not endorsing and barely covering it before the primaries—but …


Lessons from Vietnam

This week, President George W. Bush made one more attempt to shore up support for our continuing war in Iraq by comparing our experience there to the war in Vietnam, …


The Art of Forgiveness

A lot of people forgave the late former governor George Wallace for his segregationist stance, which he changed a couple of decades before his death. Now, the man who attempted …


Reported H2B Kidnapping in Pascagoula

It seems like each of these immigration posts builds off another. The last time I blogged, I brought attention to inherent flaws in the guest worker program, a modern form …


Tune In WJSU at 4:30p

All...we just got word from Derrick Johnson that his appearance today on Eric Stringfellow's show got...well...interesting when the discussion turned to the media and its community journalism responsibilities, with Derrick …


Empowerment Mississippi

This Saturday, Empowerment Mississippi, along with a handful of community sponsors, will explore economic issues for Mississippi's African American community, to "embrace strategies, goals and objectives" for solving problems and …


Here Comes Rudy!

Gotta love hypocrites.

So, Rudy "Take the Guns!" Giuliani is headed to Mississippi to campaign in a region where very few of his (historic) views actually resonate. We're guessing his kids won't be …


Attention: I'm Tired of Chasing Political Ghosts

Campaign season does not bring out the best in some of you, that's for sure.

This is to all the anonymous people out there working to unseat elected officials, especially the district attorney. Please stop sending me unsubstantited accusations and innuendo, claiming that it is …