Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




QUIZ: Are You An Extrovert or An Introvert?

Hey, I knew I was an introvert already, but DANG! Look at my score:

You Are 0% Extrovert, 100% Introvert


Pee and Poo Dolls?

If I'm lyin', I'm fryin'. See for yourself.


GOP PR Firm, Others Under Scrutiny

Sid Salter has an intriguing bit today on his blog about PR firms under scrutiny by the legislative PEER Committee.


GOP Hinds Honcho on Coast Examining Democratic Ballots?

We just got a tip that Hinds County Republican Chairman Pete Perry is in Hancock County conducting the ballot box examination for Scottie Cuevas in the Democratic Senate race down …


‘Us v. Them': Why Didn't Hampton Name Hosemann?

David Hampton has a decent column today about all the ugly immigrant-bashing in our state and in the nation of late, as immigration becomes the new wedge issue. We've certainly …


Week 3 in the Czech Republic: Right-wingers would call it Treason!!

Greetings again from across the pond. We've finally gotten over the hump, and the countdown is on until my return home to the states. And with the work we still …


African Queen Video

Found this on the Naturally You! MySpace page. I wonder if they ever showed this one on MTV or BET.


The New, New Race-Baiting

Also see: Jackpedia: Southern Strategy


I'm in Love with Oliver

I'm not kidding. I am completely and utterly enamored with that sassy little monkey who wants so badly to get out of Tupelo, er, his cage in the Tupelo zoo. …


Alright, What's Going on Here?

Suddenly, today, FEMA is sending me press releases (see below). They have not sent me press releases before. I also am getting a flurry of statements from the governor's office …


Chip Pickering Leaving Congress

Rep. Chip Pickering, a Republican representing the Third District, announced today that he is not seeking re-election next year. One wonders if the Democratic Party will now go out on …


Sir, You Forgot Your Leg

You've got to read it to believe it.