EDITORIAL: State, City Must Not Hinder Access to Public Info
Mississippi legislators are arguing with a straight face that they should not have to turn over documents about a 2016 vote to shift control of Jackson's airports to an outside …
OPINION: At Home on the Bus
As morning dawns on the capital city, my fellow JATRAN passengers and I begin our day together. On the road, I have formed the kind habit of wishing my fellow …
EDITOR'S NOTE: Our Journalism Seeks Solutions Over Blame and Partisanship
I'm a journalist to find solutions for issues such as youth crime. And that means seeking the various causes first to get there. That is why the journalism in the …
OPINION: Mississippi Schools: Celebrate Your Successes and Keep Aiming High
"We teach our children to build upon their past accomplishments and to continually strive for higher goals."
OPINION: Reflections After the Union Loss
In These Times writer Joe Allen says the Nissan-Canton election loss "is nothing less than a knockout punch ending for the foreseeable future any efforts by the UAW to organize …
EDITORIAL: 120 Days In, Let’s Focus on Good Communications
While the new administration's leadership on JPS has been noteworthy, communication on other changes in the city has been slow to take root.
OPINION: The War on Drugs Isn’t Working
The drug war is not working. Countless lives—including law enforcement officers—are being lost or ruined.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Lessons in Humility and Kindness
Cats and kids have to be dependent on other people. But as children get older, they can begin to take care of themselves, though there are still certain things they …
OPINION: The Work of Overcoming Abuse
"Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think …
EDITORIAL: State Lawmakers Must Support Abuse Victims
Domestic and interpersonal abuse, especially violence against women, are systemic and national in scope, but some clear policy and program solutions would make Mississippi safer and better for women.
COMMENTARY: Reinsert Value Back Into Journalism
In 2004, the now-deceased Mississippi journalist Bill Minor gave an assessment of his profession. Among its problems, he said, was that too many of his colleagues would rather play "go …
EDITOR'S NOTE: One Small, Honest Voice After #MeToo
Maybe you weren't bullied, but as a woman, you've probably been told to make yourself smaller and to fit the mold society created for you.
OPINION: 'One Lake’ A Triumph of Cronyism?
Flood-control alternatives, including the "One Lake" project for the Pearl River, have been out of the spotlight and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' technical review for nearly four years …
Mississippi: Listen to the ‘Me, Too’ Chorus
Women should not have to post on social media to bring awareness to the harassment, assault and abuse that half of the world's population endures daily.
Men: Stop the Harassment
The journey from being shamed about a stranger commenting on my ass at 16 to being worried about its continual definition of who I am at 40 is one that …
The Six-Word Musical Death Sentence
For me personally, I know, like nearly every white man who ever picked up a guitar hath known, that being a singer-songwriter does not make me one in a million. …
OPINION: Remembering the Lessons of the 1917 Revolution
One hundred years ago, the Bolshevik Revolution, which began in February 1917, reached its apex in October 1917 when the party met and voted to overthrow the inept and floundering …
From Trump to Weinstein: ‘This Way of Treating Women Ends Now’
Hell week for women started with Donald Trump telling employers they can cherry-pick access to birth control out of women employees' health insurance. It ended with a long line of …
HB 1523: Mississippi's Extreme Attack on LGBT Rights
The insidious power of a law like this is that it casts a long shadow over public life, forcing someone to assess whether they will be treated fairly and respectfully …
America’s Gun Culture: 'How Many More Must Die?'
Let's send our politicians a message; and if they are not willing to create the change that we demand, then we will create the change at the next ballot box.