Opinion | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS



Tease photo Body+Soul

The Darker Side of Social Media

Young people are much more impressionable than adults, and in many unfortunate scenarios, allow their peers to impact their self-image.

Tease photo Civil Rights

Kneeling for America: My Dad Fought, Lost Much for Athletes’ Right to Protest Racism

I believe that today my Daddy would stand, or kneel in spirit, with the NFL players who are pushing back on Trump’s treatment of them as chattel entertainment, calling for …

Tease photo City & County

Finding My People in Mississippi

"Over the last nine years, so many people welcomed this transplant into their hearts and homes. They adopted me as their people."

Tease photo JFP

The JFP at 15: Raising Hell, Having Fun

The Jackson Free Press' official birthday is Sept. 22, my late badass mother's birthday. She was illiterate, but loved to tell stories and encouraged me to say whatever I needed …

Tease photo City & County

Editorial: A State Takeover is Not the Solution for JPS

The looming state takeover of Jackson Public Schools is full of myriad problems, from the State' of Mississippi's less-than-stellar track record of previous takeovers to a lack of transparency and …

Tease photo City & County

Doing It Ourselves in (and for) Jackson

Several people I know have recently referred to Jackson as a do-it-yourself city. But maybe it's more of a D.I.O. city—do-it-ourselves.

Tease photo City & County

Celebrating 15 Years in the DIY City

The Jackson Free Press is 15 years old. It's still sinking in a little. No, it doesn't seem like "yesterday" to me when we started the JFP—because it's been a …

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Kids Need Solutions, Not Just Numbers

The numbers in the Mississippi KIDS COUNT factbook should compel us to drive change at every level because Mississippi's children don't need numbers—they need solutions.

Tease photo City & County

The People of Jackson Deserve Strong Transparency

We understand the need to increase revenue, but everyone must have a chance to be heard in the process.

Tease photo Domestic Violence

Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Disservice'

Rolling back protections for survivors does nothing but push women back into a culture of silence, surviving sexual assault with no protections or avenues to justice at their universities.

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In Times Like These

Rev. Cletus: "Welcome to another Rev. Cletus Car Sales Church radio broadcast. This is your car-sales pastor proclaiming the good news that God is in the blessing business in times …

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Flashing a Kid’s Mugshot Is No Way to Prevent Crime

Disseminating mugshots of minors should be rare due to the harm that it can cause to that kid and society to treat children as adult criminals, especially before they even …

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Simeon Wright: Unsung Civil-Rights Hero

"Fighting for justice is a long-term commitment, and it's our faith in hope and the people around us that sustains you."

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The Joel Osteen Transaction

Obtaining wealth through teaching the word of Jesus clash with each other. This clash is so violent that I ask how one who has gained so much wealth by teaching …

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The Dollars and Sense Needed to Fund Infrastructure

You can't have your cake and eat it, too, as the old proverb goes. Similarly, you can't cut taxes and increase them, too.

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A Flag For Us All

If, as a state, we insist that symbols that were selected precisely for their oppressive, coercive charge remain, we send a message to the rest of the nation and world …

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Reflections in a Dark, Watery World

Unplugging doesn't actually require you to do something crazy like get in a float tank. It could be something as simple as choosing to put your phone up when you …

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Fighting an Old War

While Russia and Confederate statues deserve media coverage, they are also easy targets that don't challenge the corporate state.

Tease photo Crime

Prison Beds Not Based on Reading Scores, But ...

Educational deficiencies, especially when coupled with poverty or trauma, do increase the risk of crime later. It's important, though, to break down the various pieces of the puzzle to find …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Dear Confederates, Leave My Heritage Alone!

Mississippi's history is one of beauty and blood; music and malevolence; literature and lamentation. We can't ignore the ugly parts; those stains don't wash out. But we sure as hell …