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If You're in Jackson, Do We Have A Debate Party for You!

Do we all need a drink after this week, or what!?! Come to the Red Room at Hal & Mal's tonight for a big ole progressive debate-watch party, sponsored by …


Open Thread: Media & How They're Doing

I'm getting a little tired of all the hopeful predictions from media that this one is going to be just like Florida. They seem to be relishing the idea, because …


Daily Newspaper Endorsements: Kerry Leads So Far

Click story for a full list, updated as more come in.

Editor & Publisher is keeping track of daily newspapers' presidential endorsements. Through today (Oct. 23): "Sen. John Kerry continues to pile up the newspaper endorsements, but in a reversal of …


Planet Weekly: Q&A Interview with Rick Whitlow

The Planet Weekly this week interviews Rick Whitlow in a question-and-answer format as their cover story. Frank Melton did not respond to their requests for interviews.


Open Thread: Thoughts on Returns, Exit Polls

The polls are starting to close in some spots on the East Coast. Here's where you can chat about the returns.


4,000 Al-Qaida Members Escaped at Tora Bora

Editor & Publisher is reporting: "Today, in a story sent to Knight Ridder newspapers, the bureau examined the current, and perhaps crucial, election debate in the aftermath of the new …


JFP Election Party at Hal & Mal's Tonight 7 p.m.

The Democrats are at the Jackson Convention Complex, 105 E. Pascagoula St. Anyone know where the Republicans will be?


Told You: Ledger Doesn't Endorse; ‘Unendorses' Melton Four Years Late

Turns out we were right: The Clarion-Ledger today did not endorse a candidate for Jackson mayor in Tuesday's primary—but finally came out and said that it was wrong about Frank …


Is this guy still a Northside Sun columnist?


I just just got this e-mail from someone who clearly is out to tar Mexicans with the swine flu; he also sent it to media around the country, sending a …


Did Bobby Jindal Really Just Diss Monitoring for Volcanoes!?

In his response to President Obama's speech, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal just criticized the president's stimulus package for providing funding for monitoring volcanoes. On the surface, that's sounds like an …


U. of Florida Student McCain Leader Now An 'Obamacan'

The Independent Florida Gator is reporting a last-minute conversion of the student leader of Gators for McCain:


Bobby Kennedy Jr.: Media Must Cover Palin's Radical Ties

Kennedy complained today that the media, such as The New York Times, have not done front-page stories on Sarah Palin's close ties to the un-American Alaska Independence Party in the …


Update II: McCain Camp, Young Republicans Pushed Mutilation Story

KDKA in Pittsburgh is reporting that Ashley Todd—the Susan Smith of 2008?—made up the story that she was attacked by a large black man at an ATM because she was …


White Men for Obama?

A long New York Times magazine feature by Matt Bai explores the question on everyone's mind: Can white men bring themselves to vote for Barack Obama in November? This is …


Unbelievable: Press Can't Interview Palin Supporters

Press kept under a watchful eye

The St. Petersburg Times in Florida reports:


Debate Time: No Red Room Party Tonight; Next One, Though

Due to the schedule at Hal & Mal's tonight, we are not holding a debate party there, so you get to watch this one at home! We will have a …


McCain Gives Up on Michigan

Politico just broke the news that John McCain is giving up on Michigan:


Oxford's Change—and the McCain Slaves

NPR has one of the requisite stories about how far Oxford has come since 1962. (Doh.) This one has some good stuff from Boston Globe reporter Curtis Wilkie, who was …


Abortion Foes Want More Restrictions

The Associated Press is reporting: